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时间:2014-07-26 14:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:01.83]ASTRO BOY: Good night, Zog. 晚安,阿丧 [03:03.09](BARKING) [03:04.84]Hey, Trashcan, you wanna play? 垃圾桶,来玩吗? [03:10.84]Fetch! 接住 [03:13.18](TRASHCAN WHIMPERS) [03:14.51]Oops! [03:15.72](BARKING) [03:19.44]
  •   [03:01.83]ASTRO BOY: Good night, Zog. 晚安,阿丧
      [03:04.84]Hey, Trashcan, you wanna play? 垃圾桶,来玩吗?
      [03:10.84]Fetch! 接住
      [03:13.18](TRASHCAN WHIMPERS)
      [03:22.65]CORA: Hello? 你好
      [03:24.69]Hello? 你好
      [03:26.36]- Hello? - Hello? - 有人吗?
      [03:28.24](GASPS) Ouch!
      [03:31.70]Hey, didn't your nanny-bots tell you it's rude to sneak up on people? 你的保姆机器人 没有教你礼貌吗?
      [03:35.08]- How's your head? - Well, it's still on. - 你的头没事吧? - 至少头还在
      [03:39.04]You know, they say that sometimes when it's really clear, like tonight, 他们说如果天气很好 像今晚
      [03:41.71]you can still call through to Metro City. 能和大都会通话
      [03:44.04]You wanna call Metro City? 你想给大都会打电话?
      [03:46.59]Yeah. What? You've never made a prank call before? 是啊,怎么? 你从没打过骚扰电话
      [03:50.55]The only thing is I can't get this stupid phone to work. 问题就是 这该死电话不能用
      [03:55.01]- Let me try. - Knock yourself out. - 我来试试 - 随你了
      [04:03.98]Here. It's kind of weak, but there is a signal. 有信号,就是有点弱
      [04:06.90]Hey, not bad. The kid has hidden talents. 不赖啊,小子有点才
      [04:11.07]You have no idea. 你还没见到呢

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
