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时间:2014-07-26 14:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.65](KIDS LAUGHING) [00:03.16]What? Oh, him? He wasnt really working out anyway. 什么?他? 他都不算完成品 [00:07.37]But, hey, this guys something else! Look at the legs on this baby. 但这好家伙! 看看这宝贝的腿
  •   [00:01.65](KIDS LAUGHING)
      [00:03.16]What? Oh, him? He wasn't really working out anyway. 什么?他? 他都不算完成品
      [00:07.37]But, hey, this guy's something else! Look at the legs on this baby. 但这好家伙! 看看这宝贝的腿
      [00:12.83]Look at those feet. None of your carbon-fiber plastic junk on this guy. 看看这脚 没有丝毫的偷工减料
      [00:17.21]That's solid pig iron. 这身骨多皮实
      [00:19.67]Astro got it running, which I'm still having trouble believing. 我还不敢相信 阿童木让修好它的
      [00:22.38]But it's been dead for at least a century! How did you do it? 但它起码坏了一个世纪! 你怎么做到的?
      [00:26.18]Please, tell me! How did you do it? 拜托告诉我! 怎么做的?
      [00:29.68]I just kicked it, you know, like a vending machine. 我就踢了一下 就像自动贩卖机
      [00:32.98]"Give me back my money!" It was nothing. “把钱还给我!”仅此而已
      [00:35.86]You hear that, kids? A genius with modesty. 听到没有,孩子们? 一个谦虚地天才
      [00:38.36]I didn't think it occurred in nature. 我想这事不常发生
      [00:40.28]Ah! You're almost too good to be true, kid. 你让人太难以置信了
      [00:43.61]Keep this up and I may just have to adopt you. 再来几个,我就必须收养你了
      [00:46.45](EXCLAIMS IN SURPRISE)
      [00:49.08](DEVICE BEEPING)
      [00:50.16]Holy cow. This thing's got enough juice to run a city. 我的天 这家伙的能量足以支撑一座城市
      [00:54.21]What was that? 什么事?
      [00:55.33]Oh, nothing, son, just another machine with a mind of its own. 没事,不过是 另一个会思考的机器人罢了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
