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时间:2014-07-26 14:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:35.20]I said I would. I just want them to get used to me first. 我会告诉他们的 现在先让他们熟悉我 [01:41.62]What does Hamegg want all these parts for? 哈马要零件干什么? [01:43.54]Hes a genius. He can make cool
  •   [01:35.20]I said I would. I just want them to get used to me first. 我会告诉他们的 现在先让他们熟悉我
      [01:41.62]What does Hamegg want all these parts for? 哈马要零件干什么?
      [01:43.54]He's a genius. He can make cool robots from pretty much any old scrap. 他是个天才 他能用任何废料造机器人
      [01:48.80]And then he puts them into Hamegg's Robot Games. 然后让他们参加 “哈马机器人大赛”
      [01:51.97]Robot Games? 机器人大赛?
      [01:53.05]They're a tradition down here. It s kind of a Roman thing. 这里的一项传统 类似古罗马的
      [01:56.97]And it's pretty cool. 相当的酷
      [01:58.43]You're not going to find much here. It's a graveyard. 这里找不到东西 这是坟场
      [02:01.39](SCOFFS) Mr. Metro City's first day and he's already an expert. 大都会男孩的第一天 他已经什么都懂了
      [02:05.15]You'd be surprised. I know a thing or two about robots. 我的机器人知识 还没让你见到吃惊的
      [02:08.23]Hey, guys, I think we've got something. 伙计,我们找到了东西
      [02:10.15]- See? Coming! - SLUDGE: Look! - 看,来了 - 看
      [02:14.11]Hey, what's the matter, boy? 怎么回事,小子?
      [02:25.83]Almost makes me wish I could read. 我会识字就好了
      [02:29.29]Nice try, rust-bucket. 就差一点,垃圾桶
      [02:33.01]Whoa! Cora, hey, I think I found something! 柯娜,我找到些东西
      [02:39.55]Ha! That's just an old construction robot. 只是个旧款建筑机器人
      [02:42.06]It fell to the Surface, like, 100 years ago. 可能100年前掉下来的了
      [02:44.89]Do you think Hamegg could use it? 哈马能用上它么?
      [02:46.52]Yeah, if he had a robot like that, he'd make a fortune in the Games, 当然了,如果他有个这样的机器人 在大赛里肯定赚翻了
      [02:49.73]but it's just junk. We used to have picnics in its head. 但它只是垃圾而已 我们曾在它头上野餐

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
