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时间:2014-07-26 14:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:04.06]Im running for re-election, in case you hadnt noticed, 提醒你一下 我在参加竞选 [00:06.44]and were in an arms race with the Surface! 我们还在和地面进行军备竞赛! [00:08.35]An arms race? What nonsense. 军备竞
  •   [00:04.06]I'm running for re-election, in case you hadn't noticed, 提醒你一下 我在参加竞选
      [00:06.44]and we're in an arms race with the Surface! 我们还在和地面进行军备竞赛!
      [00:08.35]An arms race? What nonsense. 军备竞赛?荒谬
      [00:12.27]It was a stupid mistake. When I lost my son, 当我失去儿子,犯了一个大错
      [00:16.07]I thought I'd be able to... I thought... 我还以为…还以为…
      [00:20.91]I know. I hate losing, too. You want proof of that, you can ask any of my wives, 我知道,我也讨厌失败 你可以问我老婆
      [00:26.75]but we got to get over all this personal stuff, Tenma. 但是我们得把私人感情 放在一边,天马
      [00:29.75]You're head of the Ministry of Science. It's time to move on. 你是科研部的部长 该想通了
      [00:33.42]Get the Core back. Get it in the Peacekeeper. 拿回内核 放进和平卫士
      [00:35.88]Let some good come from all this mess. 从失败中得出教训
      [00:42.93]When you find the robot, I'll deactivate it and give you the Core. 当你找到那机器人 我来关闭它,取出内核
      [00:48.23]Good man. Let him go. 好样的,放他走
      [00:52.23](HECKLER GRUNTING)
      [00:53.65]Let's hope you never find him. 祝你永远找不到
      [00:57.44]ASTRO BOY: So there's actually people living in these ruins? 真有人住这废墟?
      [00:59.99]Ruins? Hey, it might not look like much to a Metro City kid, but this place is home to us. 废墟?虽然比不上大都会 可这里是我们的家

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
