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时间:2014-07-14 20:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:29.41]No creeping doubts? 没有丝毫的怀疑吗 [03:32.41]Not feeling persecuted, Dom? 你就没有遇到困扰吗 [03:35.35]Chased around the globe... 被不知名的组织和警察 [03:36.85]...by anonymous corporations and police
  •   [03:29.41]No creeping doubts? 没有丝毫的怀疑吗
      [03:32.41]Not feeling persecuted, Dom? 你就没有遇到困扰吗
      [03:35.35]Chased around the globe... 被不知名的组织和警察
      [03:36.85]...by anonymous corporations and police forces... 满世界追逐
      [03:39.68]...the way the projections persecute the dreamer? 像潜意识的投射追逐梦主一样?
      [03:43.92]Admit it. 承认吧
      [03:46.72]You don't believe in one reality anymore. 你不再相信现实了
      [03:49.73]So choose. 选一个吧
      [03:51.43]Choose to be here. 选择留下来
      [03:54.20]Choose me. 选择陪我
      [04:21.56]You know what I have to do. 你知道我不能留下
      [04:22.99]I have to get back to our children because you left them. 我必须回到孩子身边 是你抛弃他们的
      [04:27.00]Because you left us. 因为你抛弃了我们
      [04:28.70]You're wrong. I'm not wrong. 你错了      我没错
      [04:30.67]You're confused. 你糊涂了
      [04:33.80]Our children are here. 我们的孩子就在这
      [04:36.64]And you'd like to see their faces again, wouldn't you? 你想再看看他们的模样吧
      [04:40.08]Yes, but I'm gonna see them up above, Mal. 是啊 但我要回到现实去看他们 玛尔
      [04:56.79]Up above? 现实?
      [04:59.70]Listen to yourself. These are our children. 听听你在说什么 他们是我们的孩子啊

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
