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时间:2014-07-06 21:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.93]Securitys gonna run you down hard. 他的防御者会狠命追你 [00:04.17]And I will lead them on a merry chase. 我会上演一场追逐大戏 [00:07.07]Just be back before the kick. Go to sleep, Mr. Eames. 记得在穿越前回来
  •   [00:01.93]Security's gonna run you down hard. 他的防御者会狠命追你
      [00:04.17]And I will lead them on a merry chase. 我会上演一场追逐大戏
      [00:07.07]Just be back before the kick. Go to sleep, Mr. Eames. 记得在穿越前回来      睡你的觉去 埃姆斯
      [00:14.91]You good? 你没事吧?
      [00:19.28]Hey. You ready? 嘿 准备好了吗
      [00:20.79]Yes, yes. l'm fine. l'm ready. 啊 没事 我很好
      [00:36.93]Cobb? 柯布?
      [00:38.94]Cobb? What's down there? 柯布 那边是什么
      [00:44.74]Hopefully, the truth we want Fischer to learn. 希望是我们想让费舍尔知道的真相
      [00:47.51]I mean, what's down there for you? 我的意思是 那里有什么你想要的
      [03:26.00]Did you see that? 看见没
      [03:46.26]Eames, this is your dream. 埃姆斯 这是你的梦境

      [03:48.26]I need you to draw the security away from the complex, understand? 你去把防御者从医院引开 懂吗
      [03:51.53]Who guides Fischer in? Not me. 谁带费舍尔进去?      不是我
      [03:53.50]If I know the route, everything could be compromised. 如果我知道了路线 整个计划就泡汤了
      [03:56.13]I designed the place. No, you're with me. 这地方是我设计的      不 你要跟我一起
      [03:58.84]I could do it. 我来吧
      [04:00.80]All right. Brief him on the route into the complex. 好 告诉他怎么进入这个医院
      [04:03.41]Fischer, you'll be going with him. All right. What about you? 费舍尔 你跟他走      好 你们呢
      [04:07.78]You keep this live. I'll be listening in the whole time. 把它放好 我们用这个联络
      [04:10.78]The windows on that upper floor are big enough for me  二楼的窗户很大
      [04:13.04]to cover you from that south tower. 我可以在南边的塔上掩护你
      [04:14.44]You see it? Yeah. 看到没      嗯
      [04:15.50]You're not coming in? 你不进去?
      [04:16.55]In order to find out the truth about your father... 要想找到关于你父亲的真相
      [04:18.41]...you're gonna need to break into Browning's mind on your own. 你必须独自进入布朗宁的意识
      [04:22.96]Come on, Fischer! 跟我来 费舍尔

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
