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时间:2014-06-15 21:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:08.34]We bring the subject into that dream, 我们把目标带进那梦里 [01:10.90]and they fill it with their subconscious. 里面充满他们的潜意识 [01:13.88]How could I ever acquire enough detail 我怎么能做出那么多细节
  •       [01:08.34]We bring the subject into that dream, 我们把目标带进那梦里
      [01:10.90]and they fill it with their subconscious. 里面充满他们的潜意识
      [01:13.88]How could I ever acquire enough detail 我怎么能做出那么多细节
      [01:17.12]to make them think that it's reality? 让他们觉得那就是现实?
      [01:19.00]Well, dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? 我们做梦时 梦境感觉起来都是真实的 是不是?
      [01:22.35]It's only when we wake up 只是我们醒来后
      [01:23.97]that we realize something was actually strange. 才意识到事有蹊跷
      [01:27.52]Let me ask you a question. 我问你个问题
      [01:29.09]You never really remember the beginning of a dream, do you? 你没法真正记得梦境的开始 是不是?
      [01:32.66]You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on. 总是忽然就到梦境中了
      [01:35.86]I guess, yeah. 好像是的
      [01:37.06]So how did we end up here? 那我们是怎么到这儿来的?
      [01:39.03]Well, we just came from the, uh.... 我们刚从...
      [01:41.30]Think about it, Ariadne. How did you get here? 好好想想 阿里阿德涅 你是怎么来的?
      [01:45.34]Where are you right now? 你现在在哪儿?
      [01:50.55]We're dreaming? 我们在梦里?
      [01:51.88]You're in the middle of the workshop right now, sleeping. 你现在是在工作室之中做梦
      [01:54.52]This is your first lesson in shared dreaming. Stay calm. 这是你学习共享梦境的第一课 镇定点
      [02:34.79]If it's just a dream, then why are you...? 如果这只是个梦 那你为什么...
      [02:38.56]Because it's never just a dream, is it? 因为这不仅仅是个梦 对不对?
      [02:40.46]And a face full of glass hurts like hell. 被喷一脸碎玻璃能把人疼出尿来
      [02:41.77]When you're in it, it feels real. 在梦中的感觉是真实的
      [02:44.17]That's why the military developed dream sharing. 所以军方才研发梦境共享
      [02:46.30]It was a training program for soldiers to 这是一个训练项目
      [02:47.96]shoot, stab and strangle each other 让士兵射击 捅死 勒死彼此...
      [02:50.17]and then wake up. 然后醒来
      [02:51.61]How did architects become involved? 那跟筑梦师有什么关系?
      [02:53.58]Well, someone had to design the dreams, right? 总要有人设计梦境啊 对吧?
      [02:57.45]Why don't you give us another five minutes? 再给我们五分钟怎么样?
      [02:59.95]Five minutes? 就五分钟?
      [03:02.42]What? We were talking for, like, at least an hour. 什么 我们谈了最少得有一小时了
      [03:04.92]In a dream, your mind functions more quickly... 在梦里 大脑的运行要迅速得多
      [03:07.32]therefore time seems to feel more slow. 所以时间似乎变慢了
      [03:10.33]Five minutes in the real world gives you an hour in the dream. 现实的五分钟等于梦中的一小时
      [03:14.43]Why don't you see what you can get up to in five minutes? 何不看看你用五分钟能做出什么来?
      [03:23.41]You've got the basic layout. Bookstore, caf? 基本的布局已经出来了 书店 咖啡馆
      [03:26.51]Almost everything else is here too. 别的东西也基本都在了

      [03:28.58]Who are the people? Projections of my subconscious. 这些人是谁?      我潜意识中的投射人物
      [03:31.45]Yours? Yes. 你的?      是的
      [03:32.78]Remember, you are the dreamer. You build this world. 记住 你是梦主 这世界是你建造的
      [03:35.48]I am the subject. My mind populates it. 我是目标 这里由我的心理操控
      [03:38.32]You can literally talk to my subconscious. 你可以同我的潜意识交谈
      [03:40.56]That's one of the ways we extract information from the subject. 这是我们从目标那里盗取信息的途径之一
      [03:43.46]How else do you do it? 还有什么别的方法?
      [03:44.93]By creating something secure, like a bank vault or a jail. 建造一个安全地 比如银行保险库或监狱
      [03:49.06]The mind automatically fills it with information it's trying to protect. 大脑会自动把想保护的信息放到那里
      [03:52.97]You understand? Then you break in and steal it? 明白吗?      之后你就闯入并偷走它?
      [03:55.90]Well.... 这个嘛
      [03:57.10]I guess I thought that the dream space would be all about the visual... 我以为梦境只是视觉的东西
      [04:01.78]...but it's more about the feel of it. 但更重要的是它的感觉
      [04:04.11]My question is what happens when you start 我想问要是违反这里的物理规律
      [04:06.01]messing with the physics of it all? 会怎么样?
      [04:49.59]It's something, isn't it? 不错吧 是不是?
      [04:52.26]Yes, it is. 是的


    英 [ˌsʌbˈkɒnʃəs] 美 [sʌbˈkɑnʃəs]
    adj.下意识的; 潜意识的

    英 [rɪ'ælətɪ] 美 [riˈælɪti]
    n.现实,现实性; 真实情况,实际情形; 实体,实在; 事实

    英 ['fʌŋkʃn] 美 [ˈfʌŋkʃən]
    n.功能,作用; 应变量,函数; 职务; 重大聚会
    vi.有或起作用; 行使职责


    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
