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时间:2013-05-25 18:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
香港仍有强大的外汇储备。 Hong Kong still had substantial foreign reserves to fall back on. 香港的生活指数自1998年以来下降了15%. The cost of living in Hong Kong had fallen by about 15 per cent since 1998. 香港金融
  Hong Kong still had substantial foreign reserves to fall back on.
  香港的生活指数自1998年以来下降了15%. The cost of living in Hong Kong had fallen by about 15 per cent since 1998.
  香港金融管理局总裁任志刚Hong Kong Monetary Authority chief executive, Joseph Yam Chi-kwong
  The city risked losing its status as an international financial centre if it failed to change with the times.
  Several major Hong Kong companies posted firm results for the first half yesterday, confirming that the recovery in the economy continues largely undeterred by tightening measures on the mainland and surging oil prices.
  The benchmark Hang Seng Index is at its highest level since mid-2001 while property prices have bounced 20 per cent since hitting bottom in the first half of last year.
  倚重半导体工业heavily dependent on the semi-conductor industry
  浪费公帑的建设计划construction boondoggles
  消费物价指数consumer price index
  特许公认会计师公会The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants(ACCA)
  Airlines and the retailing sector would be most affected.
  Financial Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen said on Monday the economy would not be "significantly affected" by the recent outbreak of avian flu.
  国民生产总值gross national product (GNP)
  国际收支差额balance of payments (n); Britain's balance of payments is up this month because of increased exports./Balance of payments is the difference between the amount of money coming into a country from the goods and services it exports, and the amount of money going out for the goods and services it imports. Balance of trade is the difference in value between the visible exports (goods and services) and visible imports of a country.
  国际信贷评级机构international credit ratings agencies
  International credit rating agency Standard & Poor's upgraded its long-term outlook on the Hong Kong dollar from negative to stable.
  国际贸易差额balance of trade (n)/trade gap; Balance of payments is the difference between the amount of money coming into a country from the goods and services it exports, and the amount of money going out for the goods and services it imports. Balance of trade is the difference in value between the visible exports (goods and services) and visible imports of a country. /The country has had a balance of trade deficit since 1982./a growing/large/narrowing/widening trade gap
  国际贸易逆差trade deficit
  国际贸易顺差trade surplus
  坚持审慎理财和小政府的方针adhere steadfastly to the philosophy of small government with prudent fiscal management
  基建项目an infrastructure project
  Mr Zhang also spelled out the division of labour between Guangdong and Hong Kong in the next two decades.
  推动本土经济promote the local community economy
  推动香港与珠江三角洲的经济合作promote economic co-operation between Hong Kong and the PRD region
  推动这个僵化的国家走上资本主义道路could start the sclerotic state on the capitalist road
  推动经济转型promote economic restructuring
  第四大贸易国the 4th-largest trading nation
  符合邓小平经济改革的一步a move relevant to Deng's economic reforms
  This is the age of economic globalization.
  The many opportunities in the region will provide a new impetus for Hong Kong's economy, relieve economic slowdown and create more jobs.
  通胀压力the inflationary pressures
  最自由经济美誉freest economy crown
  Creativity is the lifeblood of a service economy.
  博奕理论game theory
  博鳌亚洲论坛Boao Forum For Asia
  就业数据employment data
  提供五亿元贷款资助该计划provide a $500 million loan to fund the project
  Mr Tsang is perhaps best known for his intervention in the stock market in August 1998 when he spent $120 billion fending off speculators during the Asian financial crisis.
  减少对出口的依赖reduce dependence on exports
  无形出口/进口invisible exports/imports; Invisible exports are services such as banking, insurance and tourism that are sent from one country to another.
  硬着陆hard landing
  进一步开放国内市场予外商increases foreign access to the domestic market
  开放各行各业liberalise various sectors
  开发珠三角西部developing the western part of the PRD
  汇丰调低2001年香港经济增长预测,由原来的百分之2.2调低至百分之1.8. HSBC has cut its 2001 growth forecast for Hong Kong to 1.8 per cent from 2.2 per cent.
  粤港两地合作Guangdong-Hong Kong co-operation
  经济火车头economic engine
  经济成长的泉源a wellspring of growth
  经济局局长叶树the Secretary for Economic Services, Stephen Ip Shu-kwan
  经济改革economic reform
  经济命脉the economy's lifeblood
  经济奇迹/经济奇迹economic miracle
  经济城市an economic city
  经济指针economic indicators
  经济重建economic reconstruction
  The economy is at a take-off stage.
  经济问题economic problems
  经济第一或经济挂帅的方法an economy-first or economy-only approach
  经济数据economic data
  经济环境economic conditions
  经济顾问economic adviser
  The bank also revised upwards its forecast for gross domestic product growth this year, from 5.5 per cent to 7 per cent.
  资源贫乏的国家resource-poor country
  Hong Kong has benefited tremendously from the Mainland's economic growth over the past two decades.
  Over the past quarter-century, Hong Kong played a pivotal role in the rapid development of the Pearl River Delta into a thriving manufacturing base.
  China's economy is forecast to grow by 7.4 per cent this year and 7.2 per cent next year. The mainland is largely insulated from the global downturn by its mostly closed economy and strong domestic demand.
  The government is expected to downgrade its forecast for economic growth this year.
  对该计划融资bankroll the project
  尽用CEPA的好处fully exploit the advantages brought by the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
  维护自由经济体制upholding our system of free enterprise
  调低中国经济增长预测downgrading China's growth outlook
  整体经济增长overall economic growth
  Following China's accession to the World Trade Organisation, co-operation between Hong Kong and Guangdong will rise to new heights.
  扩大合作范围expand the scope of co-operation
  简化内地企业来港经营的程序streamlining the procedures for Mainland enterprises to set up business in Hong Kong
  旧有的经济模式the old economic model
  转亏为盈restore fiscal balance/has returned to the black
  离岸贸易offshore trade
  竞逐成为该区的国际金融中心vie for the position of the region's international financial centre
  In the light of the favourable internal and external conditions, the Financial Secretary has earlier revised upward his forecast of Hong Kong's economic growth in real terms for the year 2000 to 8.5%.
  一次过退回差饷a one-off rate rebate for property owners
  入息税income tax
  不加税no tax hikes
  手头紧is strapped for cash
  以营运基金运作operating as a trading fund
  He has shied away from introducing more radical changes to address the structural problems that afflict Hong Kong's tax system
  加税和开征新税来增加收入raised taxes and introduced new ones to boost revenue
  可享有税务优惠could enjoy tax concessions
  用者自付原则the user-pays principle
  The moves will cost the Government $400 million in revenue, based on a three per cent rise officials had suggested might be sought.
  申请暂缓缴税asked for their salary tax bills to be deferred
  印花税stamp duty
  Leading political parties expressed strong opposition yesterday to the introduction of a sales tax in the next financial year, claiming it would hurt the recovering economy.
  A gambling tax in Hong Kong contributes significantly to government coffers.
  自由港/免税港a free port
  低税环境the low-tax environment
  利得税profits tax
  Mr Li supported the implementation of a sales tax to help widen the tax base.
  车辆首次登记税motor vehicle first registration tax
  Tariffs will be eliminated on certain manufactured goods traded between the two places.
  It is the middle class that will benefit most if we abolish estate duty.
  股票交易印花税stamp duty on stock transactions
  促请政府减税,减轻纳税人负担pressed the government to reduce taxes and ease taxpayers' financial burdens
  宣布增加汽车首次登记税announced tax increases for vehicle registration
  Donations to Project Shield were declared tax-deductible yesterday.
  Officials have left open the possibility of introducing a sales tax amid fears the Government might continue to spend more than it raises in tax.
  A government source said the estimated $6 billion deficit for the financial year might rise to $11 billion because of the lower-than-expected revenue from privatisation of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation.
  美国资产泡沫爆破a bursting of the asset bubble in the United States
  飞机乘客离境税air passenger departure tax
  香港税务学会副会长赵善改Hong Kong Taxation Institute vice-president Chiu Sin-koi
  香港税务学会会长王锐强Taxation Institute of Hong Kong president Marcellus Wong Yui-keung
  个人入息货税及物业税personal assessment and property tax
  修改预算juggle its budget
  库务局局长俞宗怡Secretary for the Treasury Denise Yue Chung-yee
  库务局副局长林郑月娥Deputy Secretary for the Treasury Carrie Lam Cheung Yuet-ngor
  海底隧道使用税cross-harbour tunnel passage tax
  纳税人金钱taxpayers' money
  退税rebate (n)
  The salaries tax rebate will cost $2.3 billion.
  逃避利得税二十一万元evade $210,000 in profits tax
  马会是香港的最大单一纳税者,所纳税项占去年总税收的11.5%. The HKJC is the city's largest single taxpayer, accounting for 11.5% of total tax revenue last year.
  伪造税务凭据falsifying tax receipts
  商品及服务税goods and services tax
  推翻不加税承诺ditching his no-new-taxes pledge
  透过开源节流,在二零零六年前达致收支平衡balance the books by 2006 through cost-cutting and revenue generation
  陆路离境税land border departure tax/land departure fee
  博彩税betting duty
  寻找新的收入来源looking for new sources of revenue
  税制改革reform of the tax system
  The Inland Revenue Department yesterday declared that all contributors to the appeal will be exempt from paying tax in Hong Kong on their donations.
  税基tax base
  给纳税人一个合理解释give taxpayers a reasonable explanation
  跌出税网falling outside the tax net
  进口税import duty
  开征新税raises new taxes
  Mr Wen pledged to abolish agricultural taxes next year, two years ahead of schedule.
  Cigarette sales contribute US$12.7 billion to tax revenues, about 10 per cent of the total.
  资产收益税capital gains tax
  增值税value added tax
  宽减税项concession tax
  征收、征税levy (n)/(vt); to put / impose a levy on oil imports
  暂缴税provisional tax
  销售税sales tax
  遗产税estate duty
  搁置边境税shelved the controversial border tax proposal
  薪俸税salaries tax
  还富于民returning wealth to the people
  扩阔税基widen the revenue base/widen the tax base
  简单的税制simple tax structure
  简单税制a simple tax regime
  藉削减公务员数目来减少开支cutting spending by trimming the size of the civil service
  丰厚的外汇储备vast foreign-exchange reserves
  边境建设税Boundary Facilities Improvement Tax
  关税customs duty
  (经济)复苏pick up/turn up/recover/strengthen
  (经济)增长放缓slow down/turn down/weaken (v)
  九八年十一月开始面临通缩began to experience deflation in November 1998
  The release of monthly figures next week will mark the fourth anniversary of prices having fallen into a downward slide.
  The budget deficit for the first half of the fiscal year swelled to a record $70.8 billion
  五年内达致收支平衡restore a fiscal balance within 5 years
  The economy shrank by five per cent this year.
  公布一连串加价和加税措施,并要求社会作更多捐助及减少福利unveiled a slew of increased fees and levies, higher social contributions and reduced benefits
  The Japanese economy could soon be torpedoed by external events.
  日本经济持续不振Japan's lingering economic malaise
  He knows voters are clamoring for decisive action to stop the country's slide into economic malaise.
  可以到中国发行债券could issue bonds which would be snapped up by mainlanders
  外围经济external economy
  市民不愿消费shoppers have tightened their purse strings
  正尝试振兴/挽救疲弱的经济were repairing the ailing economy
  全球经济问题global financial questions
  在第二任任期期间解决财赤问题resolve the budget deficit within his second term
  在零六至零七年财政年度达致收支平衡achieve a balanced budget by 2006-07/achieve a fiscal balance by 2006-07
  有助于二零零六至零七年度达至收支平衡help balance the books by 2006-07
  低迷的经济a floundering economy
  把消灭财赤的目标押后两年puts back deficit target by 2 years
  每日造成美国经济损失达两百万美元cost the American economy up to $2 million per day
  防止赤字再增长rein in Hong Kong's growing budget deficit

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