
时间:2016-04-05 21:34:18


  [01:50.64]You’re out there, man, and you’re making it happen. 你主动去实现梦想
  [01:56.24]Courtney moved out. 郭妮走了
  [01:63.08]- What? - Yeah. It’s-- Look, man. 什么?  我们…
  [01:65.80]We’d been fighting for a really long time. 我们一直吵个不停
  [01:69.96]Why didn’t you tell me? 为什么不告诉我?
  [01:71.48]We didn’t want to ruin your wedding, man. 你在办喜事
  [01:73.32]- Didn’t want to rain on your parade, man. - What the hell happened? 不想扫你兴 发生什么事?
  [01:77.60]We just-- 总而言之,感情丢淡了
  [01:79.44]We let it slip away, you know?
  [01:80.96]That’s the point. It-- You know, it died.
  [02:25.76]- We died. - What was the cause of death? 完蛋  死因是什么?
  [02:28.12]Not enough of all of this, of this, of this. 不足够这个,不足够这个
  [02:34.88]And not enough, you know? Do you-- 这个
  [02:37.60]Do you remember the philosopher Epictetus? You remember what he said? 古希腊贤者爱比克泰德说过…
  [02:39.32]He said, "If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid." “择善固执…”
  [02:46.04]That’s what you’ve done. 你身心力行他的理念
  [02:48.44]- I work hard at it. - Now I want to be a jackass. 我尽力而为


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