


时间:2017-12-25 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
点击收听歌曲 往日情怀 The Way 1 We Were 影片的主题歌往日情怀(The Way We Were),由配乐人马文.汉姆利胥(Marvin Hamlisch)谱写音乐部分,著名的夫妻档作词人艾伦.伯格曼(Alan Bergman)负责填词
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    往日情怀 The Way1 We Were

    影片的主题歌“往日情怀”(The Way We Were),由配乐人马文.汉姆利胥(Marvin Hamlisch)谱写音乐部分,著名的夫妻档作词人艾伦.伯格曼(Alan Bergman)负责填词,曾荣获最佳原作配乐与最佳歌曲两项金像奖,1973更勇夺年葛莱美奖年度最佳歌曲的殊荣。芭芭拉.史翠珊以吟唱的方式演绎这首除却巫山不是云的抒情歌曲,效果感人肺腑,是属于她在个人演唱会上必唱的经典金曲。

    Memories light the corners of my mind
    Misty water colour memories
    Of the way we were
    Scattered picture of the smiles we left
    Smiles we gave to one another
    For the way we were
    Can it be that it was all so simple then
    Or has times rewritten every line
    If we had the chance to do it all again
    Tell me would we could we
    Memories maybe beautiful and yet
    What's too painful to remember
    We simply choose to forget
    So it's the laughter
    We will remember
    Whenever we remember
    The way we were
    Memories maybe beautiful and yet
    What's too painful to remember
    We simply choose to forget
    So it's the laughters
    We will remember
    Whenever we remember
    The way we were
    The way we were

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