

儿童节日歌曲:Boyzone - Father And Son

时间:2017-04-14 12:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
点击收听歌曲 father:(父亲的话) father and sonfather and son Its not time to make a change 现在还不是做出改变的时候 Just relax--take it easy 请放松点吧,别紧张 Youre still young--thats your fault 1 你还是
  • 点击收听歌曲
    father and sonfather and son
    It's not time to make a change 现在还不是做出改变的时候
    Just relax--take it easy 请放松点吧,别紧张
    You're still young--that's your fault1 你还是太年轻了,那是你的命门
    There's so much you have to know 你需要学习的东西还很多
    Find a girl, settle2 down 找个女孩安定下来,不再浪迹天涯
    If you want, you can marry 如果你想,那么你可以步入婚姻的殿堂
    Look at me--I am old 看着我,我已逐渐老去
    But I'm happy 但我却很活得很开心
    I was once like you are now 我也曾像你这样年轻过
    And I know that it's not easy 而且我知道那并不容易
    To be calm when you've found 当你发觉外头有些奇妙的事情时
    Something going on 务必保持冷静
    But take your time--think a lot 凡事三思而后行
    While think of everthing you've got 思考你所拥有的一切
    For you will still be here tomorrow 因为明天你的人依然会在这儿
    But your dreams may not... 而你的梦想却并非如此…… (即做出改变必须谨慎,是否值得为梦想而失去现在所拥有的东西)
    How could I try to explain? 我该怎么和你解释呢?
    When I do--it turns away again 事实总是和意愿背道而驰
    And it's always been the same 历史不断犯着相似的错误
    Same old story 同样的故事正在发生
    From the moment I could talk 那我能够说话的那一刻起
    I was ordered to listen 我就被要求必须倾听
    Now there's a way, and I know 现在,路在眼前,我知道
    That I have to go away 我必须要走了(即儿子要离开父亲的庇护,独自去闯荡)
    I know, I have to go... 是的,我必须走……
    It's not time to make a change 现在还不是做出改变的时候
    Just sit down 请坐下
    and take it slowly 慢慢去找出解决的办法
    You're still young--that's your fault 你还是太年轻了,那是你的缺点
    There's so much you have to go through 你还需要经历更多风雨的洗礼
    Find a girl, settle down 找个女孩安定下来,不再居无定所
    If you want, you can marry 如果你想,那么你可以享受婚姻的幸福
    Look at me--I am old 看着我,我已垂垂老矣
    But I'm happy 但我依然开心
    All the times, that I've cried 每次当我泪流的时候
    Keeping all the things I knew inside 我都将这一切深藏心底(指自己的理想和抱负)
    And it's hard 这是很不容易的
    But it's harder to ignore3 it 但更难的是要对它视而不见
    If they were right--I'd agree我承认,有时候别人的生活是对的
    But it's them--they know 但那是别人,是他们追求的生活
    Not me. Now there's a way, and I know 不是我,现在我知道该怎么做了
    That I have to go away 我会离开你的生活,自己去闯荡
    I know, I have to go. 是的,我该走了……

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