

节日英文歌曲:Perfect Moment

时间:2016-10-22 19:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
点击收听歌曲 流星花园插曲:杉菜与花泽类之歌 Perfect1 Moment Perfect Moment》是英国演员Martine McCutcheon演而优则唱,转战乐坛的一首歌曲,收录在她于1999年发行的个人首张专辑《You Me Us》
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      流星花园插曲:杉菜与花泽类之歌 Perfect1 Moment
      Perfect Moment》是英国演员Martine McCutcheon演而优则唱,转战乐坛的一首歌曲,收录在她于1999年发行的个人首张专辑《You Me & Us》中,歌曲一上榜便勇夺五个国家的单曲排行冠军。可惜的是在当时这样的成绩并没能使她大红大紫,之后Martine McCutcheon渐渐淡出人们的视线,在2000年她出版发行了个人自传集《Who Does She Think She Is ?》
      2001年由蔡岳勋导演、柴智屏担任编剧的台湾青春偶像剧《流星花园》正式开播,之后“F4”风潮蔓延至全亚洲,制造了一批红及一时的青春偶像。《Perfect Moment》在剧中被用在杉菜与花泽类约会共舞的场景中,被命名为“杉菜与花泽类之歌”,电视播出后《Perfect Moment》立即成为《流星花园》问询度最高的剧中插曲。
      韩版流星花园第二集英文插曲:Britney Spears - Womanizer
      Artist:Martine McCutcheon
      Song:Perfect Moment
      This is my moment
      This is my perfect moment with you
      This is what God meant
      This is my perfect moment with you
      I wish I could freeze this space in time
      The way that I feel for you inside
      This is my moment
      This is my perfect moment with you
      Tell me you love me when you leave
      You're more than a shadow, that's what I believe
      You take me to places I never thought I'd see
      Minute by minute you're the world to me
      I wish I could frame the look in your eyes
      The way that I feel for you inside
      This is my moment
      This is my perfect moment with you
      And if tomorrow brings a lonely day
      Here and now I know I haven't lived in vain
      I'll cry my tears in the rain
      And if love never comes again
      I can always say I've been
      To paradise skies in your eyes, eyes, eyes
      Tell me you love me the moment you leave
      You're more than a shadow, I've got to believe
      I wish I could keep you all of my life
      The way that I feel for you inside
      This is my moment
      This is my perfect moment with you
      This is my moment
      This is my perfect moment with you
      With you

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