
  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 10、放弃 日期:2017-10-30 12:17:44 点击:205 好评:0

    throw up ones hands 表示没办法处理;放弃;退出(竞争) The entrance exam is so difficult. Judy had to throw up her hands and said:university is not for me. 入学考试太难了,朱迪无能为力,说:大学是和我无缘了...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 9、紧紧跟在某人后面走 日期:2017-10-30 12:16:32 点击:155 好评:0

    hot on someones trail 紧紧跟在某人后面走;尾随;对穷追不舍 He is hot on a suspects trail for almost an hour. 他已经紧跟那个疑犯差不多一个小时了。...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 8、小孩子不懂事 日期:2017-10-30 12:15:57 点击:278 好评:0

    boys will be boys 小孩子不懂事 We cant accept that boys will be boys. We need intervene with boys, to hold them accountable for what they are doing. 我们无法接受小孩子不懂事的观念,我们必须管管他们,让他们对...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 7、尽情玩乐;玩得尽兴 日期:2017-10-30 12:15:15 点击:149 好评:0

    live it up 尽情玩乐;玩得尽兴 He carefully cultivated the image of the Outsider. He avoided the restaurants where politicians lived it up and cut their backroom deals. 他苦心塑造局外人的形象,从不涉足政治人物花天...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 6、比较容易或有利的选择 日期:2017-10-30 12:14:28 点击:174 好评:0

    a soft option 比较容易或有利的选择;最省事省力的办法 Helen considered staying with her mother a soft option because she did not have to worry about house-keeping. 海伦认为跟她妈在一起是比较有利的事情,因...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 5、对某事相当了解 日期:2017-10-30 12:13:38 点击:132 好评:0

    know something inside out 对某事相当了解;对某事认识很透彻 During an interview, he was sharp, combative and a bit relieved to be talking about things he knows inside out. 在接受采访时,他看起来相当的有斗志,谈...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 4、责骂某人 日期:2017-10-30 12:13:02 点击:167 好评:0

    give someone a dressing-down 责骂某人;谴责 She gave him a good dressing down. 她给了他一顿痛斥。...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 3、气味相投 日期:2017-10-30 12:12:22 点击:154 好评:0

    speak the same language 兴趣、意见、观念相同;气味相投 When Levin and Turner proclaimed their deal, it was Earth meets Mars. But last week the two dealmakers actually seemed to speaking the same language and perceive the same...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 2、赚大钱 日期:2017-10-30 12:11:30 点击:189 好评:0

    make a killing 赚大钱;得到暴利;突然获得巨大成就 Australian swimming star Ian Thorpe makes a killing with deals worth 5 million dollars. 澳洲游泳名将托普签下金额五百万美元的合约,赚了一笔。...

  • [每日英语俚语] 每日英语俚语 1、顺利进行 日期:2017-10-30 12:09:54 点击:141 好评:0

    smooth sailing 顺利进行 Just two more months before she has her boy. Aside from the occasional bout of morning sickness, its been smooth sailing for her so far. 再过两个月她就要生小宝宝了。对她来说,到目前为止,除...
