self pity 自怜 After the death of his wife, he became wrapped in self pity. 在他的老婆过世后,他变得很自怜。...
self respect 自我尊重 Have some self respect, man!. 请自重,老兄!...
self esteem 自尊;自信心 We must all develop our self esteem. 我们必须要加强发展我们的自信心。...
martial arts 武术 Taebo is really a type of aerobics, not a type of martial arts. 拳击有氧是有氧运动的一种,而非一种武术。...
wind down 放松 They often wind down at the local bar after work. 他们常在下班后到当地的酒吧放松一下。...
surf the internet 上网;浏览网络 He surfs the internet for hours every day. 他每天上网好几个小时。...
urban legend 传闻 Thats just an urban legend - its not real! 那只是一个传言,不是真实的。...
old saying 古老的格言 Dont take it so seriously, its just an old saying. 那只不过是一个古老的格言罢了,不用太认真。...
instant messenger 即时通讯 I chatted with my friends using an instant messenger. 我使用即时通讯与我的朋友聊天。...
open-minded 心胸宽大的 You should be more open-minded - hes not from around here. 你应该心胸宽大些,他不是本地人。...