


时间:2015-02-25 21:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:07.79]- We... - Thank you very much. -我们 -多谢了 [03:11.40]I need to go. 我得走了 [03:13.16]Ill bring this back. 我会再回来 [03:15.10]- Thank you. - Okay. -谢谢你 -好吧 [03:24.61]Trusting a hippie girl with my sc
  •   [03:07.79]- We... - Thank you very much. -我们 -多谢了
      [03:11.40]I need to go. 我得走了
      [03:13.16]I'll bring this back. 我会再回来
      [03:15.10]- Thank you. - Okay. -谢谢你 -好吧
      [03:24.61]Trusting a hippie girl with my scanner. Why did I do that? 让嬉皮女郎保管我的扫描机 我怎么会这么傻?
      [03:29.31]Excuse me. Excuse me. 对不起
      [03:31.15]Like I said, this part of my life is called "Being Stupid." 我说过 这个人生阶段是“蠢到家”
      [03:39.76]Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't move! Don't move! Stay! 别走,站住
      [03:52.44]Stop! Stop! 不!
      [03:55.01]Don't move! Stop this! Stop the train! 别开车,停下来
      [03:59.24]Stop! Stop! 停车!停车!
      [04:16.46]The program took just 20 people every six months. 他们每半年只收二十名实习生
      [04:20.40]One got the job. 只有一名会被录用
      [04:24.04]There were three blank lines after "high school" to list more education. 学历栏中的 “高中” 下面 还有三格
      [04:30.94]I didn't need that many lines. 我不需要那么多格
      [04:38.82]Try and sleep. It's late. 睡吧,很晚了
      [04:51.80]It's a puzzle measuring just 3 inches by 3 inches on each side... 魔术方块只有三立方英寸
      [04:55.60]...made up of multiple colors that you twist and turn... 你必须转动六面的色块
      [04:58.24]...and try to get to a solid color on each side. 试着让每一面变成同一个颜色

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      

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