


时间:2014-07-05 21:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:00.22]Um.... 呃 [02:02.25]Thank you. 谢谢 [02:03.52]You know, I couldnt help but notice... 你看 我没法不注意到... [02:05.56]but you wouldnt happen to be related to the Maurice Fischer, would you? 你是不是跟著名的马里
  •   [02:00.22]Um.... 呃
      [02:02.25]Thank you. 谢谢
      [02:03.52]You know, I couldn't help but notice... 你看 我没法不注意到...
      [02:05.56]but you wouldn't happen to be related to the Maurice Fischer, would you? 你是不是跟著名的马里斯·费舍尔是亲戚?
      [02:09.33]Yes, he, um.... 对 他...
      [02:11.76]He was my father. 他是家父
      [02:14.20]Well, he was a very inspiring figure. I'm sorry for your loss. 他的一生鼓舞人心 节哀顺变
      [02:21.21]Here you go. Thank you. 给      谢谢
      [02:23.04]Hey. 嘿
      [02:24.78]To your father. 敬你父亲
      [02:27.01]May he rest in peace, huh? 愿他安息
      [03:37.72]Couldn't have peed before you went under? Sorry. 入梦前没尿尿是吧?      不好意思
      [03:40.19]Bit too much free champagne before takeoff? 起飞前香槟喝太多
      [03:42.42]Ha, ha, bloody ha. 哈哈 你他妈说对了
      [03:43.69]We know he's gonna be looking for a taxi in this weather. 我们知道这种天气 他得打车
      [03:58.34]Asshole! Hey, man, why don't you try? Walk away. 混蛋 再来一次试试?      走开
      [04:18.26]Just have him ca - I gotta go. 让他打... 我先挂了
      [04:19.83]All right. Taxi. Thank you. 好了 的士 谢谢
      [04:24.90]All right, Third and Market. Snappy. 好的 第三市场 赶上了
      [04:28.33]What are you doing? Sorry, I thought it was free. 你要干吗?      不好意思 我还以为是空车
      [04:31.02]It's not. Maybe we could share. 不是      要不我们拼车吧
      [04:32.51]Maybe not. Can you pull over and get this? 不要吧 能不能停车?
      [04:38.31]Great. 很好
      [04:44.58]Come on. 上来
      [04:57.16]There's $500 in there. The wallet's worth more than that. 我这有500美元 钱包更值钱
      [04:59.97]You might at least drop me at my stop. 至少送我到站

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      

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