


时间:2014-07-05 21:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:44.74]I thought about calling out to them... 我想过叫他们... [01:46.77]...so theyd turn and smile and I could see... 他们就会回过头来 我就能看到... [01:50.24]those beautiful faces of theirs, but its all too late. 他们
  •   [01:44.74]I thought about calling out to them... 我想过叫他们...
      [01:46.77]...so they'd turn and smile and I could see... 他们就会回过头来 我就能看到...
      [01:50.24]those beautiful faces of theirs, but it's all too late. 他们美丽的笑脸 但一切都太迟了
      [01:55.55]Right now or never, Cobb. 机不可失 柯布
      [02:02.86]Then I start to panic. 之后我就开始惊慌
      [02:04.82]I realize I'm gonna regret this moment... 我知道我会后悔这一刻
      [02:08.36]...that I need to see their faces one last time. 因为我要最后一次见见他们的脸
      [02:10.86]James! Phillipa! Come on in! 詹姆斯 菲利帕 进来!
      [02:13.53]But the moment's past. 但这时刻过去了
      [02:17.77]And whatever I do, I can't change this moment. 不管我做什么 都改变不了这一刻
      [02:22.04]As I'm about to call out to them... 正当我要叫他们时...
      [02:25.25]they run away. 他们却跑开了
      [02:29.08]If I'm ever gonna see their faces again, I've gotta get back home. 如果我想再看到他们 我就得回家
      [02:33.39]The real world. 回到现实世界
      [03:16.46]What are you doing here? 你来干什么?
      [03:18.77]My name is... 我叫...
      [03:20.03]I know who you are. What are you doing here? 我知道你是谁 你来干什么?
      [03:31.51]I'm just trying to understand. 我只想弄明白
      [03:34.11]How could you understand? 你怎么明白的了?
      [03:37.45]Do you know what it is to be a lover? 知道爱人是怎样的吗?
      [03:41.59]To be half of a whole? 合二为一?
      [03:44.96]No. 我不知道
      [03:47.99]I'll tell you a riddle. 我给你出个谜语
      [03:51.46]You're waiting for a train. 你在等一列火车
      [03:54.80]A train that will take you far away. 一列可以带你远走的火车
      [03:59.34]You know where you hope this train will take you... 你知道你希望火车会带你去哪儿
      [04:03.34]...but you don't know for sure. 但你也不确定
      [04:05.78]But it doesn't matter. 但没关系
      [04:08.65]How can it not matter to you where that train will take you? 火车要带你去哪儿 怎么会对你没关系?
      [04:12.22]Because you'll be together. 因为你们会在一起
      [04:15.02]How could you bring her here, Dom? What is this place? 你怎么能带她来这儿 多姆?      这是哪里?
      [04:18.52]This is a hotel suite where we used to spend our anniversary. 这是我们以前过结婚纪念日的酒店套房
      [04:21.86]What happened here? 这里发生过什么?
      [04:25.10]You promised! You promised we'd be together! 你保证过! 你说过我们会在一起的!
      [04:28.59]Please, I need you to stay here just for now! 求你留在这里 就一会儿!
      [04:30.60]You said we'd be together! 你保证过我们会在一起的!
      [04:32.18]You said we'd grow old together! 你说过我们会一起变老!
      [04:34.24]I'll come back for you. I promise. 我会回来找你的 我保证
      [04:54.69]Do you think you can just build a prison of memories to lock her in? 你以为你可以建一个记忆之牢 把她锁住吗?
      [05:00.70]Do you really think that that's gonna contain her? 你真的以为这样就能困得住她?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      

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