1. All ears 洗耳恭听、全神贯注地听;
2. Fall on deaf ears 未被理睬、未受重视、充耳不闻;
3. Grin from ear to ear 咧着嘴笑、笑逐颜开;
4. Play it by ear 随机应变、见机行事;
5. Prick up your ears 竖起耳朵仔细听。
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
1. All ears 洗耳恭听、全神贯注地听;
2. Fall on deaf ears 未被理睬、未受重视、充耳不闻;
3. Grin from ear to ear 咧着嘴笑、笑逐颜开;
4. Play it by ear 随机应变、见机行事;
5. Prick up your ears 竖起耳朵仔细听。
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC