
时间:2020-03-05 19:25:34


[02:19.56]Its pretty good. 很好吃
[02:21.84]I need mm... some beer. 我去拿... 啤酒
[02:34.16]What are you doing? 你在干啥?
[02:38.16]...发生了意外 一辆失控的汽车撞进一间汽车维修店
[02:43.16]造成一名店员死亡 司机当时突发心脏病...
[02:49.04]Unbelievable. - Yeah, I'm watching it now. - 不会吧 - 对 我在看
[02:57.28]Dude, get off. 大哥 快滚
[03:05.12]The guy driving here having a heart attack and comes through the front window with high rate speed, 这家伙心脏病发 高速从前窗撞进
[03:07.84]And hit one of the employee right here. 然后撞倒了一名员工
[03:09.12]The poor guy is about in five pieces And there is quite a bit of blood. 受害者被撞成了五块 到处都有血
[03:12.76]You guys are BBP certified4 right? 你们有BBP证明吗?
[03:14.72]We know all the proper procedures for handling in potentially hazardous5 situations. 我们清楚所有 正确处理潜在危险情况的手段
[03:20.44]We are very professional. - I thought you hasn't done the course? - 我们非常专业 - 我还以为你跟他已经断了
[03:22.20]Yes i did, But it is not done yet. 我是 我还没说完呢
[03:22.96]I can, trust me, If you can get the bags and the box? 相信我  帮我拿一下袋子和燃烧箱好吗?
[03:28.68]Are you guys are all finished up in there? - Yeah - Great, then I handle it from here. - 你们的工作完成了吗? - 好了 - 好 那接下来由我们接手吧


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