
时间:2017-10-23 12:33:29


[02:40.90]It's a peculiar3 thing, what happiness does for people. 说来也怪,幸福是怎么一回事
[02:43.90]He actually became friends with Kathryn and Jenny 他实际上跟凯瑟琳和詹妮
[02:47.54]and Diana and David. 黛安娜和大卫成了朋友
[02:51.70]Bradley realized that 布拉德利知道
[02:54.22]you can't hold someone's love against them. 他不能因为某人不爱他而耿耿于怀
[02:56.70](PEOPLE CHEERING) 六个月后
[03:08.22]And hut! 预备,起!
[03:14.38]Go right. 往右
[03:17.70]- Almost got it. - Okay... <i>- 就差一点 - 好的</i>
[03:18.54]PLAYER 2: Don't let him get around the outside, man. <i>不要让他跑到外面</i>
[03:24.54]DAVID: I'll make a hand-off to Craig and cross at the middle. Okay, Oscar, you... 我将传球给克雷格,然后跑到中场 奥斯卡,你…
[03:28.54]- Hey, Romeo. You with us? - All right. - 嘿,罗密欧,你有听着? - 好吧
[03:31.70]The defender4 should bite. Head for the end zone. Game over, okay? 防守队员应该反击,跑到死亡区 比赛结束,明白?
[03:33.54]- On "69." - All right. - 按“69”阵式 - 好的
[03:41.54]Hut! 开始!
[03:48.06]PLAYER 2: Get there. 跑到那里
[03:51.38]Get it! Get it! Get it! 接住,接住
[03:57.70]He got it! 他接住了
[04:02.22]- And that's it. - DIANA: Nice work, baby! - 就那样 - 打得好,宝贝!
[04:08.38]Oscar? 奥斯卡?
[04:09.54]Oscar? 奥斯卡?
[04:11.54]Oscar? 奥斯卡?
[04:17.06]Hey. Hey, Oscar. 嘿,嘿,奥斯卡?
[04:17.90]What happened? 什么事?
[04:22.06]You all right? 你怎么啦?


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