
时间:2017-05-27 12:40:45


[02:58.06]That's what Dr. Know needed to know to get you to come home to us 他要让你知道 回家所需要知道的
[03:05.42]And it's the only time we intervened… 我们只有介入那么一次
[03:07.98]the only help that we gave him… 我们只是透过他…
[03:11.10]to give to you… 给你一些帮助
[03:18.26]so you could find your way home to us 好让你找到回家的路
[03:24.42]Until you were born, robots didn't dream 在你之前机器人不会作梦
[03:25.02]robots didn't desire unless we told them what to want 他们也没有自主的欲望
[03:29.50]David 大卫
[03:31.54]do you have any idea what a success story you've become? 你是一个成功的典范
[03:34.06]You found a fairy tale… 你找到一个童话故事
[03:37.34]and inspired by love, fueled by desire 你受到爱的感召、欲望的驱使
[03:40.54]you set out on a journey to make her real 为了找到她踏上冒险之旅
[03:43.90]And most remarkable2 of all, no one taught you how 最不可思议的是…
[03:46.66]We actually lost you for a while. But when you were found again 没人教你
[03:50.46]we didn't make our presence3 known4 because our test was a simple one 找到你以后
[03:52.02]Where would your self-motivated reasoning take you? 你的自我推理会有什么结论?
[03:55.70]To the logical5 conclusion…
[03:57.78]that Blue Fairy is part of the great human flaw6 to wish for things that don't exist 蓝仙女是否代表


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