
时间:2017-01-22 12:28:20


  [00:12.42]Zoe, you're going too fast!  邹易你开太快了
  [00:15.10]You're not gonna have time to stop!  你这样会停不住的
  [00:17.38]Who said anything about stopping? I'm parking.  谁说要停了,我要泊车
  [00:19.10](tires screeching)
  [00:33.62]- What are you doing to these kids? - (cop) Hands where I can see them!  你要对这些孩子怎么样 把手举起来
  [00:37.94](Wolfe) Okay. Calm down.  好的,冷静
  [00:38.14]Everybody! Put your weapons down!  所有人! 放下武器!
  [00:43.42]I want the GHOST.  把幽灵给我
  [00:51.94](Wolfe) Um.... Calm down. It's just a duck.  冷静 这只是只鸭子
  [00:57.42]- (Chun) Where's the GHOST? - (Wolfe) I have it.  幽灵在哪里? 在我这里
  [01:03.02](Chun) Bring it here!  拿过来!
  [01:10.06]Put it on the ground.  放到地上
  [01:17.06](whispering) Now, Gary. Go for his balls.  Gary. 去咬他的鸡鸡
  [01:19.02]Okay, duck whisperer, step away!  好了,鸭语者 站远点!
  [01:28.54]- Gary, now! - (quacking)  - Gary现在!
  [01:29.74]Ah!  啊!
  [01:37.90]Couldn’t let you have all the fun.  不能让你把所有的乐趣都抢走
  [01:50.90]So I guess you'll be taking off now, huh?  看来你要走了是不是?
  [01:53.78]Seeing as there's no reason to stick around anymore.  好像你已经没有什么在呆在这里的原因了
  [01:57.86]I'm stllI here, aren't I?  我还在这里,不是么?


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