
时间:2016-12-11 22:25:32


  [01:55.46]- Miss Bennet. - MRS BENNET: You must come again. 你一定要再来哦 去年你答应要来我们家吃饭
  [01:57.14]For when you were in town last winter,
  [01:58.34]you promised to have a family dinner with us.
  [02:00.82]I've not forgot, you see. At least three courses. 我可没有忘记,至少要上三道菜
  [02:12.38]Excuse me. 失陪了
  [02:16.74](KITTY GIGGLING)
  [02:17.58]Most extraordinary. 真是不可思议
  [02:21.90](HENS CLUCKING)
  [02:34.46]We were going to walk in, and she was going to say, Sit down. 我以为我们进去她会请我们坐
  [02:34.82]- No, no. - No. 结果没有
  [02:36.46]So, I feel... 我就…
  [02:41.50](BIRDS CHIRPING)
  [02:48.70]Oh, it's a disaster, isn't it? 真是糟糕透顶
  [02:51.70]It's been, it's... 我…
  [02:56.54]- Miss Bennet. - Mr Bingley. - 贝内特小姐 - 宾利先生
  [02:57.58]I just go in and I'll just say it. 我要去直接向她告白
  [03:01.58]- Just say it. - Yes. Exactly, exactly. - 直接向她告白 - 这就对了
  [03:05.42]Oh, God. 天啊
  [03:06.94]I'm glad that's over. 我好高兴这件事结束了
  [03:09.78]At least now we can meet as indifferent acquaintances. 至少我们能当普通的朋友
  [03:11.30]Oh, yes. 你不必怕我又会爱上他
  [03:12.62]No, you cannot think me so weak as to be in danger now.
  [03:16.98]think you are in great danger of making him 我只怕你会让他更爱你
  [03:19.98]as much in love with you as ever.
  [03:22.82]I'm sorry, though, that he came with Mr Darcy. 只可惜他是跟达西一起来


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