


时间:2019-01-11 15:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
指受到内地的不人道对待has accused the mainland of inhumane treatment 政改方案对比现有制度有进步。 The package is an improvement over the existing system. 政改讨论political reform debates 政改第五号报告书
  指受到内地的不人道对待has accused the mainland of inhumane treatment
  The package is an improvement over the existing system.
  政改讨论political reform debates
  政改第五号报告书the fifth report on political reform
  政制发展专责小组五号报告书the fifth report of the constitutional development taskforce
  The Government issued a statement yesterday saying it was firmly committed to upholding human rights.
  What's wrong with people calling for democratisation in China, or even appealing for an end to the one-party dictatorship on the mainland?
  要求加快香港民主进程/民主步伐demanding the speedy introduction of full democracy for Hong Kong
  要求有普选时间表demanding a timetable for universal suffrage
  要求提早以一人一票方式选出行政长官和所有立法会议员pushing for the early election of the chief executive and all legislators by one-person-one-vote
  要求普选下任行政长官demanding the election of the next chief executive by universal suffrage
  要求普选特首,普选立法会calling for the election of Chief Executive and Legislative Council by universal suffrage
  要求结束一党专政calls for an end to one-party rule on the mainland
  重过正常生活resume his normal life
  重获自由has regained his freedom
  限制言论自由restricting freedom of speech
  首度就香港政改发表意见/开腔speaking out for the first time on Hong Kong's constitutional reforms
  Human rights in Hong Kong are under threat.
  香港人权监察Human Rights Monitor
  香港人权监察主席吴锦祥Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor chairman Dr Stephen Ng Kam-cheung
  香港人权监察总干事罗沃启Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor director Law Yuk-kai
  香港人权联委会Human Rights Commission
  The poll, conducted by the University of Hong Kong's public opinion programme, found 81 per cent of respondents support electing the chief executive through universal suffrage in 2007.
  香港民主发展的里程碑a milestone for Hong Kong's democratic development
  香港民主发展网络Hong Kong Democratic Development Network
  香港民主结构未稳the SAR's democratic structure was not solid
  香港政策透视主席黄昌荣Hong Kong Policy Viewers chairman Wong Cheong-wing
  香港个人资料私人专员公署Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
  Hong Kong is still in its preliminary stage of democracy. It takes some time and patience for democracy to ripen.
  Hong Kong was riven by a heated debate on whether democracy should be introduced by 2007.
  Hong Kong's history of democratic elections is not long.
  个人资料私隐专员刘嘉敏Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data Stephen Lau Ka-men

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