


时间:2013-05-02 13:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
假大空的计划grandiose plans 做了很少的准备工作have done very little preparatory work 问题根源the root of the problem 执行资源增值计划adopted enhanced productivity measures to increase their efficiency 将慎重考虑
  假大空的计划grandiose plans
  做了很少的准备工作have done very little preparatory work
  问题根源the root of the problem
  执行资源增值计划adopted enhanced productivity measures to increase their efficiency
  将慎重考虑该提议serious consideration would be given to the proposal
  hand the findings to somebody
  强化与珠江三角洲其它城市的合作promote closer co-operation with other cities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD)
  得到民众认同harvest public sympathy
  推动创新科技promoting innovation and technology
  采用更彻底的方法adopt more radical measures
  stepped up measures to deal with something
  杀局scrapping elected municipal councils
  理性讨论sensible discussion
  现有制度the existing system
  现行政策the present policy
  We were indecisive when dealing with emergencies.
  被拒参与是项计划has been deterred from joining the scheme
  设法找个办法hammer out a mechanism
  These are ideas that deserve careful consideration.
  This is of fundamental importance for the successful governance of the SAR.
  That has led some councillors to dub them "chicken ribs" - tasteless when eaten but a pity to throw away.
  逐步来take things one step at a time
  最终目标/终极目标ultimate aim
  提供一篮子措施provide a basket of measures
  提供必要的硬件和软件基础设施provide the necessary hard and soft infrastructure
  提供利诱以做某事provide financial incentive to do something
  提高行政效率enhancing administrative efficiency
  提高施政水平improving governance
  提高管治质素enhancing the quality of governance
  提高竞争力boost competitiveness
  减低营商成本reduce business costs
  犹豫不决的零碎作法indecisive, piecemeal efforts
  发出咨询文件issued a consultation document
  发表一项新政策laid out a new policy
  发表了第四号报告书published its Fourth Report
  发挥团队精神demonstrate team spirit
  给予某人空间做某事give somebody breathing space to do something
  Traditional industries and the local community economy play a unique role in the restructuring of our economy, by offering a wider variety of jobs.
  想市民所想thinking what people think
  The new system has a hundred merits and not a single demerit.
  会大刀阔斧从事改革embark on drastic reforms
  会依良心办事would act according to his conscience
  会刺激公众讨论would help stimulate public discussion
  禁止使用某物banned use of something
  董特首多年来的老调/陈腔滥调a theme that Mr Tung has harped on about for years
  解除禁令lift the ban
  资源增值enhance productivity
  资源增值计划Enhanced Productivity Programme
  Over the past few years, the Government has vigorously promoted economic restructuring through a broad range of policies and measures.
  雷声大雨点小start out off with a bang and end with a whimper
  实施严格的监管制度strictly enforce our monitoring systems
  对一己寻找新的定位to find a new niche for oneself
  There is no community consensus on the way forward.
  对某事无简单的解决办法there is no simple solution to something
  精简程序streamlining procedures
  与市民共渡时艰share the hard times with the community
  与迪士尼合组联营公司set up a joint venture with Disney
  与时并进keep pace with the times
  誓要改革此机构vowed to clean up the agency
  需要改进need a revamp
  确立「以民为本」的施政理念establish the vision of "people-based" governance
  确保政府能够妥善响应社会的诉求ensure the Government can better respond to the demands of the community
  确保政府落实执行政策ensure effective implementation of policies
  独排众议、不听意见taking a go-it-alone approach
  积极争取社会各方的支持actively enlist the support of different sectors of the community
  咨询公众和不同业界的意见consult the public and different industries
  咨询文件a consultation paper
  咨询期consultation period
  应该向公众解释should give a public explanation
  避免把争论的范围扩大/减少分化limit the scope of contention
  避免双输的局面avoid a lose-lose result
  旧派官僚依然大权在握old bureaucracies remain firmly in charge
  严重背离社会的实际需要diverge drastically from the real needs of society
  继续改革的动力an impetus to further reform
  议而不决deliberation without decision
  释除疑虑to dispel doubts
  毁誉参半have received as much criticism as praise
  2,580人宣布破产2,580 people were declared bankrupt
  上月的破产申请个案比八月下降了百分之十二bankruptcy petitions fell 12 per cent last month from August
  欠下很多卡数with heavy credit-card bills
  申请破产petition for bankruptcy/file for bankruptcy
  申请破产的人数number of people petitioning for bankruptcy
  有财政困难had financial difficulties
  Hong Kong's slumping economy also caused a rise in bankruptcy applications.
  个人破产申请个案personal bankruptcy numbers
  应修紧法例,避免市民滥用破产来避债should tighten the law to ban people from using bankruptcy to avoid repaying debts
  (大澳)棚屋stilt houses
  (住宅)准买家prospective homebuyers
  七月起接受申请are pencilled in for applications from July
  The KCRC wants the rail terminal to have a facelift.
  二手市场the secondary market
  二手楼second flats
  二手楼宇second-hand flats
  二按服务top-up loans
  二零零七年之前七成市民拥有自置物业boost home ownership to 70 per cent by 2007
  入息限额maximum monthly income
  八月的二手交投量下跌了50%. Turnover in the secondary market had dropped 50 per cent in August.
  Only 21 transactions were recorded in 10 large housing estates over the weekend.
  十年房屋计划Ten-year Housing Programme
  三四楼梯间的楼梯平台a landing between the third and fourth floors
  上海房地产开发商周正毅Shanghai real estate developer Zhou Zhengyi
  大型发展商the top developers
  There were about 10,000 HOS flats completed but they had not yet been put up for sale.
  Most Hong Kong banks will today begin offering 95 per cent mortgages.
  工程进度the progress of works
  工业地盘industrial sites
  已落成但未发售had been built but not put on the market
  不能搬出去住couldn't move out
  No more HOS flats would be built.
  中原地产Centaline Property
  中原城市领先指数Centa-City Index
  中原集团主席施永青Centaline Property (Holdings) chairman Shih Wing-ching
  中转房屋interim housing
  仍未接受政府的赔偿方案have not accepted the government's compensation package yet
  仍未推出市场出售remained unsold
  仍要供楼still has a mortgage to pay off
  公布稳定楼巿措施reveal new measures to stabilise the property market
  公共房屋政策public housing policy
  公共设施public facilities
  公屋public housing
  公屋居民/公屋租户a public housing tenant
  升降机槽、电梯槽lift shaft
  opposed extending land privileges to indigenous women
  天然光natural light
  主人房the master bedroom
  主要租客anchor tenant
  He also said new measures to stimulate the property market would be announced within a week.
  It was cautiously optimistic over the outlook for the property market.
  He emphasised that the property market would benefit in the long term.
  令楼市受压put pressure on property prices
  The rates rise could see property sales in the secondary market fall as much as 20 per cent next month.
  Higher rates hamper buying power.
  加推更多单位满足买家需求release more units to meet buyers' interest
  Last year 26,000 flats were completed.
  可以选择在第五个月才供楼can choose to start paying interest and instalments in the fifth month
  可租可买计划Rent or Buy Option Scheme
  四合院courtyard homes
  外墙outer walls

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