


时间:2013-04-23 13:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
隔离有疫症发生的鸡场quarantining infected farms 对禽畜业造成重大打击caused extensive damage to the livestock industry 廖医生表示受病菌感染的鸡场并无饲养鸭鹅。不然可能引致交差感染,酿成可能
  隔离有疫症发生的鸡场quarantining infected farms
  对禽畜业造成重大打击caused extensive damage to the livestock industry
  廖医生表示受病菌感染的鸡场并无饲养鸭鹅。不然可能引致交差感染,酿成可能致命的禽流感病菌H5N1. Dr Liu said that the affected farm did not keep ducks and geese, which if placed with chickens could cause cross-infection and produce the potentially deadly bird flu H5N1.
  彻底煮熟鸡只cook chicken thoroughly???
  猪流感swine flu
  The recent bird flu outbreak had not deterred consumers from buying live chickens.
  鲜活家禽live poultry
  鲜鸡freshly-slaughtered poultry
  (指禽流感病菌)对身体无害poses no health risk
  (食油)较快变质turn rancid more quickly
  (食品)过期was past its sell-by date
  「此日期前食用」日期"sell by" date
  「此日期前最佳」日期"best before" date
  一种禁用的代糖a banned sweetener
  二十五件过期食品25 outdated items of food
  二恶荚含量合乎安全标准/没有超标showed no excessive levels of dioxin
  人造香料artificial flavourings/artificial flavours
  下令回收两款瘦身产品ordered the recall of two slimming products
  大头娃娃"big-headed" babies
  化学色素chemical dyes
  天然香料natural flavourings/natural flavours
  孔雀石绿malachite green
  水杨酸salicylic acid
  加强管制声称为健康食品的产品tighten regulations on products marketed as "health food"
  未能证明其食品安全failed to guarantee the safety of its product
  未煮熟的肉类undercooked meat
  含过量水银,对健康有害contained dangerously high levels of mercury
  含过量防腐剂或食品添加剂contained excessive amounts of preservatives or additives
  There was no need to ban imports.
  Long-time exposure can lead to kidney and liver damage.
  The Government has carried out 16,500 checks on supermarkets in the past three years. Only 65 prosecutions were made over labelling with an average fine of $5,000.
  昨日解禁,今日恢复销售could be back on the shelves today after a ban on their sale was lifted yesterday
  毒奶粉substandard milk powder
  毒菜pesticide-tainted/contaminated vegetable
  看来对人体无害did not seem to be harmful to humans
  致癌化学物cancer-causing chemical
  致癌物质cancer-causing toxins
  苯甲酸benzoic acid
  能令人体致癌物质a human carcinogen
  高温煮食high-temperature cooking
  符合国际标准complies with international standards/met international standards
  被发现含有孔雀石绿were found to contain malachite green
  最能保障市民的健康would best protect the health of Hong Kong citizens
  复用以前的牌子switch back to previous brands
  曾测试街市售卖的淡水鱼had carried out tests on freshwater fish sold in the market
  残余农药residues of banned pesticides
  无咖啡因的decaffeinated/caffeine free
  发霉的面包moldy bread
  给婴儿转用别的奶粉changed their infants to other milk formulas
  超出世界卫生组织所定的每日安全摄取量exceed WHO's acceptable daily intake
  微波炉食品microwave food
  Inspections of freshwater fish at local markets would be stepped up.
  禁止使用粮食农作物来制药ban the use of food crops for pharmaceutical uses
  解除对法德荷食品三个星期的禁令revoked its three-week ban on products imported from France, Germany and the Netherlands
  农药残留pesticide residue
  过期三个月以上had expired by more than three months
  对人体有害take a toll on health
  对某人健康有害is hazardous to somebody's health
  监控食品安全co-ordinate and control food safety
  适合人类食用is fit for human consumption
  遭禁售was barred from sale/had been pulled from sale
  婴儿配方奶粉baby formulas
  断定该些产品号称的保健效果失实,并禁止刊登相关广告,否则等同欺骗determined health claims surrounding the products were bogus and barred related advertisements as fraudulent
  The Hospital Authority said regulation of health-care products was not within its scope of responsibility.
  怀疑会致癌which is thought to cause cancer
  继续禁售比利时食品continue to suspend the sale of Belgian food
  含基因改造成分contains genetically modified (GM) ingredients
  建议统一卷标called for labelling to be unified
  科学怪食物Franken Food
  The Environment and Food Bureau said there was no scientific evidence to suggest GM content would render a food product unsafe for human consumption, but said it supported the consumers' right to know.
  基因改造食物/基因改造食品genetically modified foods/GM foods
  基因改造海藻gene-altered algae
  规定基因改造食品必须名上卷标bring in mandatory labelling of genetically modified (GM) foods
  设立卷标制度bring in a labelling system
  喜欢种植基因改造农作物,以确保好收成favour genetically modified crops to ensure a good harvest
  经基因改造的超级稻米genetically engineered "super rice"
  卷标制度labelling system
  二手烟second-hand smoke
  Secondhand smoke has been proven, over and over again, to be a major trigger of asthma attacks.
  Passive smoking cost $754 million in direct health care and $463 million in lost work time.
  反吸烟人士anti-smoking advocates
  立法在酒吧、食肆和工作场所全面禁烟legislate a total ban on smoking in bars, restaurants and the workplace
  立法在酒楼、酒吧和其它工作场所全面禁烟enact a total ban on smoking in restaurants, bars and other workplaces
  Second-hand smoke alone probably costs the city $1.2 billion a year in medical costs.
  在子女面前吸烟smoke in front of their childern
  在公众地方禁烟ban smoking in certain public areas
  在公众场所禁烟introduces a ban on smoking in public places
  An estimated 5,500 people die from smoking-related illnesses each year in Hong Kong.
  吸烟(公共卫生)条例Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance
  每天吸数包香烟smoked several packs a day
  每天都在工作场所吸入二手烟inhales second-hand smoke at work everyday
  和吸烟有关的疾病smoking-related diseases
  和吸烟有关疾病smoking-related illnesses
  非吸烟区non-smoking area
  保护公众免受二手烟影响protecting the public from the dangers of second-hand cigarette smoke
  would probably relapse
  曾吸烟的人former smokers
  烟民habitual smoker
  Smokers needed a higher dose than non-smokers to derive any benefit from Viagra.
  烟头cigarette butts
  禁烟政策a smoke-free policy
  Heavy smokers were 50 per cent more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than non-smokers.
  Regular exposure to second-hand smoke heightens the chance of a stroke by 50 per cent.
  帮助病人戒烟help patients quit smoking
  (服后)勃起较慢和有偏头痛having slow erections and migraines
  (英国)药物安全委员会Committee on the Safety of Medicines
  (疾病)产生抗药性developed immunity to drugs/develop resistance to medicine
  (药物)在本港市面有售are being sold over the counter in Hong Kong
  一帖药/一包药a packet of medicine
  一种鼻敏感药物a drug for treating nasal allergies
  The drug stopped hair loss in all 20 men featured in the Hong Kong study.
  口服药物oral drugs
  不良医药广告条例Undesirable Medical Advertisement Ordinance
  不会对病人的健康构成影响would not pose a threat to patient's health
  引起不良反应produced unwelcome reactions
  毋须经医生处方可购买buy something without prescription
  主要有效成分含量不合格failed on its active ingredient content
  以原封不动的状况出售something is sold intact
  去寒去暑banish excessive heat and cold
  去痰eliminate phlegm
  可在药房买到readily available over the counter
  只能治标simply attack symptoms
  未能通过临床测试fail clinical trials
  未经医生处方服用该药物taking the drug without a doctor's prescription
  正在服食抗凝血药物或须进行手术的病人不宜服食银杏制品advised people on blood-thinning medication or anyone about to undergo an operation to avoid taking the ginkgo products
  用中药治疗脱发问题used Chinese medicine to treat hsir loss
  prescribing the steroid dexamethasone to a woman
  合成西药synthetic pharmaceutical drugs
  在主要有效成分含量方面未能符合世界卫生组织所定下的标准failed to meet WHO requirements on active ingredient content
  The levels of the allergen ginkgolic acid in 13 of the samples were between 16 and 733 times in exceed of the WHO's specifications.
  在黑市买伟哥buying Viagra on the black market
  在卷标上声称boasts on its label that
  多仔丸fertility drugs
  安眠药sleeping pills
  成药over-the-counter drug/patent medicine

热门TAG:怎样背单词      英语新闻词汇      英文时事报道      英语背单词      

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