时间:2015-07-17 12:55:37
[03:57.84]and I’m in utter bliss3. 而且我无比幸福
[04:02.40]Every morning the alarm goes off at 6:30, and I leap out of bed. 每天早晨伴随着6:30的闹钟 我就从床上弹起
[04:04.72]I’m up! 我起床了
[04:06.92]By 7:30 I’m in class, in my apron4, peeling potatoes. 7:30我已经站在学校厨房里 穿着围裙,削着土豆皮
[04:13.08]Then we cook stock and we bone fish. 然后我们煮汤,剔鱼骨
[04:17.12]We dress pigeons. We make pastry5 with so much butter, 烹饪鸽子 用很多黄油做蛋糕
[04:22.00]it almost stops your heart just to look at it. 看着这些我想你的心都快跳出来了
[04:24.56]My teacher moves so quickly I’m sometimes lost. 老师讲得巨快 有时候我都没听清
[04:29.64]But I’m way ahead of the others in the class, all of them men, 但是我在班里一直名列前茅 超过了那儿的所有男人
[04:33.52]and all of them very unfriendly, until they discovered I was fearless. 而他们都很不友好 直到他们发现我是无所畏惧的
[04:41.52]Something I realized about the same time they did. 有时候我和他们也都有同样的想法
[04:45.28]Morning class ends at 12:30, then I go home and make lunch for Paul. 中午12:30放学 然后我就回家给Paul做午饭
[04:55.08]Then Paul takes a nap. 然后Paul会睡个午觉
[05:00.76]And later in the afternoon, he goes back to the embassy and I go back to school. 下午稍晚时 他回到大使馆 我就回学校