时间:2015-07-17 12:52:15
[00:10.12]Yesterday was Tuesday, August 13th, 2002. 昨天是2002年8月13日,周二
[00:12.52]Day one. 364 days to go. 第一天,还有364天
[00:17.84]I cooked artichokes with hollandaise sauce 我做了朝鲜蓟配荷兰酱
[00:19.56]which is melted butter that’s been whipped into a frenzy1 with egg yolks 它是将黄油煮融 打入蛋黄用力搅拌
[00:22.64]until it’s died and gone to heaven. 直到它的色香味让你欲仙欲死
[00:26.20]And let me say this. Is there anything better than butter? 让我把话说在前头 还有比黄油更好的吗?
[00:29.56]Think it over. Every time you taste something 仔细想想吧 每次吃到超乎想象的食物
[00:33.76]that’s delicious beyond imagining, and you say, "What is in this?" 你会说 “这里头搁了什么?”
[00:36.76]The answer is always going to be "butter." 答案始终如一:“黄油”
[00:40.20]It’s been whisked into submission3, that’s why. 用搅拌器打出泡泡 这就是关键
[00:41.00]It’s incredible. 真是太好吃了
[00:44.64]The day there’s a meteorite4 heading toward the earth and we have 30 days to live, 假如有一天彗星撞地球 我们只能再活30天
[00:48.56]I am going to spend it eating butter. 我会穷尽所有来吃黄油
[00:49.36]Here’s my final word on the subject. 以下是我对本主题的最后一个提醒