[01:10.92]I'm sorry. All right, I'll send some flowers. 我很遗憾,好吧,我会送些花过去
[01:11.20]<i>- Okay. - Okay. Yeah, bye.</i> - 好的 - 好的,是的,再见
[01:12.40]<i>- Yeah, bye. Yeah, bye. - Bye-bye.</i> - 是的,再见;是的,再见 - 再见
[01:19.96]<i>One new message.</i> 一条新讯息
[01:20.20]<i>Hi, Genevieve. It's me, your dad.</i> 嘿,珍娜,是我,你老爸
[01:24.48]<i>Just calling to say hi and see what you're up to.</i> 只是打来看你好不好 看?最近在做甚么
[01:28.60]<i>Give me a call some time.</i> 有时间给我一个电话
[01:33.40]Then why is it called a lawn
mower6 and not just a mower... 那么,为甚么称它为草坪割草机 为什么不就叫割草机…
[01:37.80]since you don't
mow5 anything but a lawn? 除非你只会用它来割草坪吗?
[01:40.28]You could get
mowed7 down by a car. 你有能被一辆汽车割倒啊
[01:42.28]- Yeah, but not with a lawn mower. See? - Yes, you could. - 是的,但不会是被割草机,看见吗? - 是的,有可能
[01:43.68]If it was running on your lawn and you
bent8 over, it could run right over you. 如果它正在你的草坪上跑 你弯下腰去,就有可能被它撞倒
[01:47.08]- Why would you do that? - Hey, Dan. - 你为什么要那样做? - 嘿,丹
[01:50.04]You got a really fat head. 你有一个肥胖的头
[01:52.08]- Maybe it's your face. - Yeah, it's
hereditary9. - 或许它是你的脸 - 是的,它是遗传的
[01:55.36]My mom has a fat face and my dad has a fat head. 我妈有一张肥胖的脸 并且我爸有一个肥胖的头
[02:00.92]You should see his mom's head. It's huge. 你应该看他妈妈的头,真是巨大
[02:04.60]Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?
[02:05.64]Hi. I'm Greg Gatlin. I own the new restaurant down the street. 嗨,我是葛雷·加特林 我是街角新餐厅的老板