[00:05.60]They will linger, they'll order more wine... 他们会逗留,他们会多点几杯酒…
[00:07.96]which means they'll have dessert and they will leave happy. 也就是说,他们会吃甜点 而且会快乐的离开
[00:11.28]And they will go home and they're gonna make love. 他们回家后会做爱
[00:11.72]They will wake up in a great mood and then tell everybody... 他们早上醒来时会有很好的心情 然后告诉每个人…
[00:14.56]about the
fabulous1 new tapas restaurant they just went to. 关于他们刚去过的一家 新开的塔帕斯餐厅
[00:20.40]Flowers do all that? 花可以做到那么多?
[00:24.48]Yes. 是的
[00:30.40]How much? 要多少?
[00:33.64]Not much. 不会太多
[00:36.24]You're good. 你真厉害
[00:38.88]Who told you? 谁告诉你的?
[00:47.44]<i>- Mom call-waiting. I should go. - I should tile my
patio2.</i> - 妈,我还有电话在等,我要挂了 - 我应该帮我的阳台贴磁砖
[00:49.48]<i>On "Martha Stewart," she did it on her own.</i> 在"马莎史都华"的书里,她都自己做
[00:50.84]<i>She even fired her own tiles in a homemade
kiln3.</i> 她甚至在一座自制的窑里 烧制她自己的磁砖
[00:53.84]<i>I'll bet she can
glaze4 a ham with her feet.</i> 我将打赌她能用脚帮一条火腿上釉
[00:55.24]<i>Okay, why did I call? Let me see, now I can't remember.</i> 好,我干麻打电话给?? 让我想想,现在我想不起来了
[01:00.72]<i>What was the name of the man who had the dog that looked like a cat?</i> 那个有只长的像猫的狗的人 叫什么名字?
[01:00.80]<i>Yes, yes, yes.</i> 对了,对了,对了
[01:05.72]<i>He died.</i> 他死了
[01:06.76]Okay... 好了…