
时间:2018-12-18 14:40:51


[02:38.04]She's got three boyfriends. 她是有3个男朋友
[02:41.28]<i>Guys like that never see it coming.</i> 像那种家伙永远也搞不懂
[02:43.64]<i>- How'd you get in? - Boy.</i> - 你是怎么进来的? - 天啊
[02:45.16]<i>He's the type of guy who doesn't  know he's good-looking...</i> 他是那种不知道自己很帅的人…
[02:48.60]<i>and goes and gives a woman his  heart and he gets stomped4 on.</i> 他把自己的心给女人,却被践踏
[02:51.28]<i>Over and over and over again.</i> 一而再,再而三
[02:59.72]<i>No Dijon! You'll take American mustard and like it.</i> 不要用第戎芥茉! 用美国芥末,你会喜欢它
[03:04.28]- Okay. - That's dumb. Soap can't get dirty. - 好吧 - 真蠢,肥皂是不会变脏的
[03:06.36]- If mud fell on it. - It would wash right off. - 如果污泥落在上面 - 它马上就可以洗掉了
[03:10.12]Wouldn't the mud be declared clean on impact? 污泥难道不会宣称干净的侵袭吗?
[03:10.40]Right, it's soap! The word means clean. 对,它是肥皂!就表示干净
[03:14.52]What, like, in Latin? 什么,就像拉丁文一样?
[03:17.64]Thanks, Mom, but that's  Valentine's Day. 谢谢,妈妈,但那是情人节
[03:18.08]<i>Can you make beef  stroganoff with chicken?</i> 能用鸡肉做俄罗斯酸奶牛肉吗?
[03:22.92]Yes. You can definitely substitute chicken. 是的,你当然可以用鸡肉来代替
[03:24.52]<i>- With Egg Beaters? - Or Egg Beaters.</i> - 用打蛋器吗? - 或者用打蛋器
[03:27.64]<i>- It'll be too sticky. - Okay, I gotta go.</i> - 那样会太黏了 - 好了,我得挂了
[03:29.80]Yeah, bye. Yeah, bye. 是的,再见;是的,再见
[03:30.68]<i>- Yeah, bye. - Bye-bye.</i> - 是的,再见 - 再见
[03:33.16]Hey, get your meat paws off my food. 嘿,别用你的肉爪子碰我的食物
[03:35.64]All right, everyone. 好了,各位
[03:37.00]What are the plans for Valentine's Day? 情人节有什么计划吗?


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