[00:20.20]That place is cursed. 那个地方被诅咒了
[00:22.68]I just bought it. 我刚刚买下它了
[00:25.00]- Congratulations! -
Awesome2! - 恭喜你! - 太棒了!
[00:26.48]- That's amazing! - Yay! - 真令人惊喜! - 是哇!
[00:28.44]Yeah, I'm reopening it as a tapas bar. 是啊,我想要开一家塔帕斯酒馆 (一种西班牙小菜)
[00:30.76]What's it called? 它叫什么?
[00:31.00]Get on Tapas. 来到塔帕斯(爬到上面去)
[00:36.36]Get on Tapas. Get it? A tapas bar. 来到塔帕斯,懂了吗? 是间塔帕斯酒馆
[00:43.40]No. 不是
[00:43.92]Are you Spanish? 你是西班牙人?
[00:44.56]Why are you opening a tapas place? 为什么你要开塔帕斯餐厅?
[00:46.24]Well, I saw this graph of recent graduates from my law school... 嗯,我从我的法律学校 最近的毕业生那看见一张图表…
statistically3, I was right where it said I should be. 跟据统计说,我正处在那状况中
[00:55.28]Felt a little cookie-cuttered, had a one-third life crisis. Quit the firm. 觉得日子千篇一律 有点中年危机,就辞掉工作
[00:58.68]- That's nuts. - Anyway... - 真是疯了 - 总之…
[01:03.28]I'm here to get some flowers for my girlfriend. 我是想买些花送我的女朋友
[01:04.40]Your girlfriend. 你的女朋友
[01:07.80]Excellent. 太好了
[01:09.04]- Very romantic. - What's over here? - 非常浪漫 - 这里有什么东西?
[01:13.12]Good, good. Because... 好,好,因为…
[01:13.88]I'll be honest, I'm kind of on shaky ground with this one. 我老实说,我和女友的关系 有点岌岌可危