
时间:2018-02-26 12:32:42


[04:16.80]Then we went to night vision. 然后就用夜视镜头
[04:19.68]He's asleep. 他在睡觉
[04:22.32]There! Stop it. 那儿,停格,放大
[04:25.84]Zoom in under the chair. -哪里? -椅子底下
[04:30.48]- Enhance it.  放大
[04:34.88]- ls it ..? My God ... 我的天
[04:36.44]- He didn't go up the stairs.  他没上楼梯,一定还在
[04:42.32]- Get Marlon over there! -快叫马龙赶去 -好的
[05:00.04]Truman ... Surprise party! 楚门,惊喜
[00:03.68]l got a six-pack of cold brewskies with our name on them. 老朋友,我带了六罐啤酒
[00:10.48]Come on, buddy1. 出来吧
[00:16.84]Shit! 该死
[00:20.72]Marlon, find him. He's still in the room. 他还在,快找到他
[00:26.28]- Come out, wherever you are. 捉迷藏吗?出来吧
[00:30.16]- Good. Keep it light. 很好,开开玩笑
[00:31.84]l know you're in here. 我一定找得到你
[00:37.32]Check under the table.  检查桌底
[00:40.76]The closet, behind you. 背后的衣橱


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