[02:39.28]Was it the wedding I'd always dreamed of? Well, let's see. 这婚礼是不是我梦寐以求的呢? 让我们拭目以待
[02:42.79]Not only did the O'Shaunesseys show up, but they brought all five kids. O'Shaunessey夫妇不单来临 还把五个孩子都带来
[02:48.16]The peonies I adored were, of course, out of season, so I had to settle for roses. 这季节没有我喜欢的牡丹花 玫瑰花也不错嘛--只能这样想了
[02:54.73]The string quartet lost two of its members to strep. 乐队有两个成员感染链球菌去世了
[02:57.94]I think they were dating. 我想是另有所约吧
[02:59.50]So we had to go prerecorded. 只好播放录音了
[03:03.21]But looking out at everyone assembled, I realized... 看着大家出双入对
[03:07.95]...weddings aren't about the bride and groom4... 觉得婚礼不单是为新郎和新娘准备
[03:11.02]...they're about everyone else. 也是为在场各位准备的
[03:13.09]Marriages are about the bride and groom. 婚礼的主角是新郎和新娘
[03:16.79]And when you're walking down the aisle5, all the little details mean nothing... 当你走在绿色走廊上的时候 一切都不再重要了
[03:20.73]...because at that moment it becomes clear... 因为这一刻
[03:30.07]Ben Rosen, will you give yourself to Samantha Hoyt... Ben Rosen, 你愿意成为 Samantha Hoyt
[03:34.21]...to be her husband, to love her, comfort her, honor her, and protect her... 的丈夫, 并且爱她 关心她, 宠爱她, 还有不顾一切的
[03:39.88]...forsaking6 all others, to be faithful to her so long as you both shall live? 保护她, 一辈子忠于她 你愿意吗?
[03:45.15]I will. 我愿意
[03:46.45]Will you give yourself to Ben Rosen... 你愿意成为Ben Rosen