[03:25.20]- Whatever you do, do not use that caterer. - Listen to your sister. - 无论如何都不能请他们操办婚宴 - 听听你妹妹说的
[03:26.52]You learn from other people's disasters. 你应该从其他人的 悲剧中得到启发
[03:28.80]These are not disasters. They're weddings. 这不是悲剧, 是婚礼!
[03:33.08]You know, Sammy, you didn't taste their chicken. Sammy, 你应该尝一下那些鸡肉
[03:37.92]So I thought you guys might wanna hear about the proposal. 你们应该听一下我的安排
[03:40.52]Oh, of course, honey. 当然了, 亲爱的
[03:40.80]But first, wait, wait. I almost forgot. I got you a present. 等等, 差点忘记 我给你买了份礼物
[03:48.80]It's a comprehensive
overview7 of everything you'll need to know. 这里面有你想知道的一切
[03:49.24]Mom stopped being
subtle8 a long time ago. 妈妈很久没有这样关心过我了
[03:56.44]因为我知道你自以为 明白在干些什么
[03:56.84]- Thanks. - You're welcome. (婚姻扫盲)
[03:59.48]You don't. 其实并不明白
[04:00.28]Look at the dress. 看看这礼服
[04:06.04]Why'd you screw it up? You had six months of nookie-liciousness left. 干嘛选择结婚? 你应该再玩几个月才对
[04:10.64]I don't think that way, Alan. It was just time. 我不这样认为 是时候了
[04:11.52]- Don't you remember being single? - Oh, yeah. - 你忘记单身生活了吗? - 噢
[04:15.92]Those are the good old days. 那些日子不错啊
[04:18.32]I mean, fun when you're a kid... 小时候觉得还不错
[04:20.36]...but, man, when I met Sam, it changed. 长大后, 当我遇到Sam后 就不这样认为了
[04:23.76]I didn't feel the need to look anymore. 我现在不用四处狩猎了
[04:25.64]I was suddenly happy staying home just hanging out with her, you know? 现在最想做的事就是 和她在家温存