
时间:2017-09-14 13:04:56


[03:09.57]Summer! Summer
[03:13.57]I really do hope that you're happy. 祝你幸福
[03:48.82]Most days of the year are unremarkable. 一年中的很多天都是很平凡的
[03:52.82]They begin and they end... 开始 结束
[03:55.99]with no lasting1 memories made in between. 没有留下任何回忆
[03:59.99]Most days have no impact... 大多数对生活没什么影响
[04:02.62]on the course of a life. 在一生中
[04:05.67]May 23 was a Wednesday. 5月23日  一个星期三
[04:26.27]Are you interviewing? Sorry?  - 你是来面试的吗   - 什么
[04:29.27]Are you interviewing for the position? 你是来面试这个职位的吗
[04:33.03]Oh, yeah. Why? Are you? Yeah. - 对  什么  你呢   - 也是
[04:35.61]Mm-hmm. 嗯
[04:37.61]My competition. 我的竞争者
[04:39.82]It would appear. 看来是的
[04:42.58]Yeah. So, a little awkward. 有点尴尬
[04:46.83]Yeah. 对
[04:49.79]Well, I hope you, um, don't get the job. 那么.. 祝你面试失败
[04:54.80]Well, I hope you don't get the job. 那我也祝你 面试失败
[05:00.43]Have I seen you before? 我以前见过你吗
 [00:03.35]Me? I don't think so. 应该没有
[00:06.73]Do you ever go to Angelus Plaza1? 你去过祈祷广场吗
[00:09.23]Yes. That's, like, my favorite spot in the city. 当然 那是我最喜欢的地方
[00:12.23]Yeah. Okay. Except for the parking lots, but- 除了那些停车场
[00:14.32]Yeah. L- I agree. Yeah, yeah. - 同意   - 对
[00:16.32]I think I've seen you there. Really? - 我见过你   - 真的


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