
时间:2017-03-30 12:14:20


[02:00.66]and any way I describe this can't do just to her accomplishment3 不论我怎么表述,也概括不了她的成就
[02:06.38]so I'll just introduce to you our 6th NYT scholarship winner 所以我将直接请出我们第六届纽约时报的奖学金获得者
[02:10.50]Liz Murray 丽思?马里
[02:20.22]everything's changed, My life will never be the same. 所有的事都改变了,我的人生不会像从前了
[02:27.46]and I don't know what else to say except for thank you 我也不知道该说什么,除了谢谢
[02:29.06]thank you very much 非常感谢
[02:33.50]Liz Liz, how did you do this? 丽思,你是怎么做到的?
[02:37.94]How could I not do it?! 我怎么做不到呢
[02:39.90]my parents showed me with the alternative was 我的父母教会了我可能
[02:42.94]did you ever feel sorry for yourself? 你为你的过去感到抱歉吗?
[02:44.10]sorry? 抱歉?
[02:46.06]sleeping in the subway. eating out of dumpsters 睡在地铁,吃在垃圾桶旁
[02:51.10]that had always been my life  and I really 那总是我生活的一部分,我...
[02:56.30]I feel that I got lucky, because any sensive security4 was pulled out from under me 我感到幸运是因为所有的安全感都抛在了脑后
[03:01.74]so I was forced to look forward. I had to... there was no going back 所以我迫使自己向前,我必须这样...没有后路
[03:08.18]and I reached a point where I just thought 当我我意识到这点,我想
[03:09.58]oh I'm gonna work as hard as I possiblly can and see what happens “我必须竭尽所能的工作  看会发生什么"
[03:17.50]and now I'm going to college. and the NYT is going to pay  现在我要上大学了,纽约时报支付我学费
[03:27.26]so you were lucky!  but is there anything you change, if you were able? 那你是幸运的,但如果可以的话,你会去改变什么
[03:36.22]Yeah, I'd give it back. all of it. If I could have my family back. 我愿意换回一切,如果能让我的家庭回来
[03:53.06](monologue) I got into Harvard. I got a job at the NYT. I got an apartment. 我进入了哈佛,我在纽约时报有了份工作。我有了自己的公寓
[04:02.54](monologue) I don't have to carry my whole life with me any more. 我再也不用过颠沛流离的生活
[04:04.26](monologue) I don't have to carry my whole life with me 我不用再过颠沛流离的生活
[04:10.26](monologue) but I do. everyone I've known, everything I have done. Jesus, chip off 但我深深记得我所有认识的人,所有我做过的事,还有记忆的片段
[04:18.22]I forget the little things but still hard to carry alone 我忘记了那些琐碎的事情,但仍很难独自承受
[04:31.94]so that's why I told you. that's why I've told you my story 所以我才会告诉你,我的故事
[04:37.02]now I can lay it out and burn it done, put it in the rest, then I can go on 现在我能埋掉、燃烧、平息它,然后继续向前
[04:50.22]嗨, 妈妈
[05:40.22]丽思的艾滋病父亲 生活在他自己的公寓里
[05:46.22]克里斯有了份稳定的工作, 并且继续和丽思是好朋友
[05:52.22]丽思 用在演讲赚来的钱支付公寓的月租
[06:00.22]丽思2003年春天离开了哈佛,并且继续在大学深造 她相信自己可以独自面对将来的道路
[06:12.22]谢谢 观赏

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