
时间:2016-11-15 21:23:22


  [01:14.92]And don’t be a stranger. 不要成为一个陌路人
  [01:16.44]But next time make sure you use the front door. 但是下一次确保走前门
  [01:19.12]I will. I promise. 我会的 我保证
  [01:20.28]And listen. Thank you, son. Thank you. 还有听着 谢谢你 孩子 谢谢
  [01:26.32]Look, I should have done this a long time ago. 听着 我很久以前就该那么做了
  [01:26.64]No, no, no, not about that. 不 不 不是关于那个
  [01:30.68]For getting rid of that damn bird. 是摆脱掉了那只烦人的鸟
  [01:34.00]I love you, kid. 我爱你 孩子
  [01:35.20]I love you, too. 我也爱你
  [04:14.28]Sesquipedalianist: 讲话冗长又模棱两可的人
  [04:27.88]Hey, I got your bear grass. 嘿 我收到了你的熊仁草
  [04:29.04]Oh, great. Thank you. H i. 噢 太棒了 谢谢你 嗨
  [04:50.80]H i. 嗨
  [04:56.84]Well, the thing is 事情是
  [05:00.36]you’ve spent the last few days 你用了过去几天
  [00:01.20]getting to know the part of me that... 来认识我那并不是
  [00:06.36]That wasn’t really available1. 真正敞开的心扉
  [00:08.36]So, I was wondering, if I haven’t screwed2 it up too bad, 所以我在想 我有没有把事情搞的太糟
  [00:15.56]if you would be interested in getting to know the part of me that is. 你是不是有兴趣来了解我敞开的部分


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