
时间:2016-10-09 20:20:56


  [01:29.28]as Jamal Malik, an uneducated young man 来自孟买贫民窟
  [01:32.28]from the Juhu slum in Mumbai... 没念过什么书的少年杰默马利
  [01:36.24]won a staggering 10 million rupees... 在知名电视节目“百万大富翁”
  [01:39.12]on the television show ’’Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’’ 赢得了巨额的千万卢比奖金
  [01:41.68]An estimated 90 million people will tune1 in tonight... 今晚预估有九千万人会收看节目
  [01:45.88]to see if he can go one stage further 看看他能不能更进一步
  [01:46.48]and win...an unthinkable 20 million rupees. 赢得两千万卢比的天价奖金
  [01:51.76]Come on! Come on! 快啊!
  [02:16.72]Get back in here. 给我回来
  [02:18.40]Get back to work. Now! 回去工作了,快!
  [02:23.68]Chai-wallah? 茶水小弟?
  [02:45.72]Welcome back to ’’Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’’ 欢迎继续收看“百万大富翁”
  [02:51.80]l can safely say that tonight... 我敢保证今晚是你我毕生
  [02:55.68]is the biggest night of both our lives. 最重要的一个晚上
  [02:57.04]Jamal Malik, the call centre worker from Mumbai... 孟买客服中心的员工杰默马利
  [02:59.64]has already won a cool 10 million. 累积奖金已经高达千万卢比
  [03:04.04]He can walk away with that in his pocket... 他可以带走这笔奖金
  [03:04.68]or make the biggest gamble in television history... 也可以投入电视史上最大的赌局
  [03:09.40]and a staggering 20 million rupees. 抱回两千万卢比的天价奖金
  [03:09.88]and go for the final question... 挑战最后一道题目
  [03:16.36]Are you ready for that question? 你准备好要答题了吗?


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