[00:03.54]and tell me how you cheated. 告诉我你怎么作弊
[00:24.82]l’m done, sir. 我好了
[00:29.30]Now, listen. 听着
[00:33.90]Hello? 醒一醒
[00:39.54]He’s unconscious, Juti, what good is that? 他昏过去了,还问什么?
[00:43.14]How many times have l told you, Srinivas? 要我告诉你几次…
[00:43.94]l’m sorry, sir. 对不起
[00:48.02]Srinivas. Now we’ll have Amnesty lnternational here next, 国际特赦组织会找上我们
[00:49.66]peeing in their pants about human rights. 啰嗦什么人权的事
[00:52.86]Sir, l was thinking.. 我在想…
[00:55.34]Get him down, tidy him up, please, for God’s sake! 放他下来整理门面啦,拜托!
[00:55.74]Sir...what if he did know the answers? 说不定答案他真的都会
[01:04.02]Professors, doctors, lawyers, 教授、医生、律师
[01:06.58]general knowledge wallahs never get beyond 16,000 rupees. 什么达人都过不了一万六千卢比
[01:07.78]He’s on ten million. 他拿了一千万耶
[01:11.34]What the hell can a slumdog possibly know? 贫民窟的穷小子知道什么?