[03:58.12]- Hi, Polly. 嗨,宝莉
[03:59.24]- Hi, Maggie. 嗨,美姬
[04:01.04]since you dragged that little boy up the aisle4. 你在教堂逃跑时把小男孩拖倒了
[04:05.20]Drag-- No. I didn’t, I didn’t-- 拖倒?不,我没有
[04:07.20]He tripped on his own shoelaces. 他是踩着自己的鞋带才摔倒的
[04:10.84]You’ve come for your dress. Good. It’s in the back. I’ll get it. 你是来拿礼服吧,我去拿
[04:11.76]Actually, Mrs. Whittenmeyer, 其实嘛,韦太
[04:14.96]I decided5... 我已经决定了
[04:16.00]- that I want to get this dress. - Oh. 我要这件
[04:21.72]The one you have on hold is lovely, dear. 你订了的那件才别致嘛
[04:24.60]I know, but I’ve just-- I’ve changed my mind. 我知,但我改变了主意啦
[04:27.96]This is $ 1 ,000. 这件要一千块钱的
[04:28.16]And I have $ 1 ,000. 我有一千块钱啊!
[04:33.64](Mrs. Whittenmeyer) The other one is only $300, dear. 你订的那件是三百块罢了
[04:34.20]Um-- Is that dress for sale? 橱窗那件有减价吗?
[04:39.96]It’s just a lot of money to spend on one of your dresses, Maggie. 你穿那件礼服未免花太多钱了
[04:45.84]After all, you only wear them for about ten minutes or so. 反正你只穿十分钟
[04:54.80]I guess that’s true. 你倒说得对
[04:59.68]Uh, the other dress is, is nice. 那一件很漂亮