[01:39.44]Wait, wait. Wait, don’t tell me. 别,让我猜一猜
[01:43.36]The scoreboard lit up with 当时计分牌闪出这六个字
[01:44.56]"Marry me, Maggie." “美姬,嫁给我吧!”
[01:47.84]It was one of the most wonderful moments of my life. 真是我毕生最奇妙的一刻
[01:48.36]Highly suspect. 我早知道了,事有可疑
[01:53.80]What do you mean? It was incredibly romantic. 你说什么?这种手法浪漫得很
[01:55.16]Look, maybe it’s just me, but... 可能只有我才觉得事有可疑
[01:59.76]if you gotta dress it up like that, 如果要用到这种手段
[02:01.92]it just doesn’t ring true. 那就欠缺诚意了
[02:03.40]You know, l, I think the most... that anybody can honestly say is: 我认为顶多只能这样子坦白说
[02:10.28]"Look, I guarantee there’ll be tough times. I guarantee... “我肯定将来会有不如意的时候”
[02:16.24]"at some point one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. “我肯定我俩其中一个想分手”
[02:20.72]"But I also guarantee that if I don’t ask you to be mine, “但我肯定如果不向你求婚”
[02:23.20]"I’ll regret it the rest of my life. “我会遗憾终生!”
[02:26.44]"Because I know in my heart... “因为我很清楚在我心坎里”
[02:33.92]you’re the only one for me." “只有你的存在!”
[02:39.12]I like it. 我喜欢你这种求婚讲法
[02:42.40]I’d like it better on a scoreboard. 我还是喜欢计分牌闪出来的字句
[02:46.16]So, is that what you said when you asked your wife to marry you? 你当年求婚时就是这种样说吗?