[00:42.00]A lamp tree. 灯树
[00:44.00]That’s great. 很棒哟
[00:46.00]- Is this-- That’s your preferred logo? 这是你的商标吗?
[00:47.40]- I think so. 大概是吧
[00:49.88]It’s nice. The whole thing is great. 都很精彩
[00:52.16]I think you could sell these lamps in New York. 你大可以在纽约卖这些灯
[00:53.12]Maybe someday. 也许总有一天我会的
[00:55.60]- You afraid to try? 你害怕试一试吗?
[00:58.52]- No, no. I’m not afraid.Just... someday. 不,我并不是害怕,只不过 总会有一天我会
[01:03.28]This is Brian. 这枚是白仁送的
[01:07.68]Oh, Father Brian. 噢,现在是白仁神父了
[01:08.04]- And Gill’s, of course. 这枚就是纪朗送的
[01:12.32]And... George. 佐治送的
[01:12.56]- Gill, yeah. 纪朗,对了
[01:16.40]He proposed at a butterfly farm in Saint Thomas. 他在养蝶场向我求婚
[01:19.36]The ring was inside a cocoon1. 戒指用卵囊包住
[01:21.88]Ahh. A little too Silence of the Lambs for my taste, but-- 手法太像沉默的羔羊,我吃不消
[01:27.56]Well, he’s an entomologist. 佐治是昆虫专家
[01:29.72]I thought it was very unique. 这一枚才与众不同
[01:31.44]- And finally, Bob. - Mmm. 最后是波比送的了
[01:33.80]He proposed during the seventh inning stretch... at an Oriole game. 他在棒球大赛第七局时向我求婚