
时间:2016-05-09 12:23:33


  [03:10.63]You were a ravin’ maniac4. 那天你是个狂叫的疯子
  [03:11.08]Hey, let me tell you something. 我跟你讲
  [03:13.00]Yes, I was. I was a maniac. 是,我是疯了
  [03:15.48]Yeah, but I see you changed your ways. 但我看到了你的改变
  [03:18.04]you did one great job of coaching those kids. 你把这群孩子训练得非常好
  [03:18.97]And man, down the stretch, 放松点
  [03:22.89]Thank you. It means a lot. 感谢,非常感谢
  [03:25.67]So, can I count on you for next year? 那么,明年我们还能合作吗?
  [03:26.19]No. 不行
  [03:29.30]Okay. But you and l, we’re good? 好吧,但我们和好了,对吗?
  [03:32.45]We’re good. 当然
  [03:33.67]Good. 太好了
  [03:35.45]Better. Yeah. 比以前好多了
  [03:35.56]How about you and your old man? 你和你爸怎样了?
  [03:37.34]Listen. I mean no disrespect to you and your family. 听着,我没有不尊重你和你的家人的意思
  [03:42.93]But my job in life is 但只要我活着 我的工作就是
  [03:42.97]to make your dad’s life a living hell. 让你老爸活得不自在
  [03:45.63]Hey, do what you gotta do. 行吧,你随便
  [03:47.74]I gotta do it. 我定会做到
  [03:48.97]I’m about to make good on that Pelé bet. 我马上要赢得那个贝利球了


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