
时间:2016-04-05 21:37:10


  [04:42.72]It’s very popular, but not appropriate for this. 还有:“大丈夫何患无妻”
  [04:44.72]Of course, there’s the "Don’t worry, there’s more fish in the sea" pap.
  [04:46.96]- No. - Uh, we can always fall back on the classic... 没有用
  [04:51.08]"When God shuts a door, he opens a window." “塞翁失马,焉知非福”
  [04:56.72]How about telling me I did the right thing? 不如说:我婚礼取消得正确
  [04:59.36]I don’t have to tell you. 我不用说
  [04:60.00]I wrote it. 已经写了下来
  [04:62.48]- What’s this? - It’s your obituary5. 什么东西?  你的讣闻
  [04:64.48]- Nice. - Turns out I had writer’s block... 认真利是
  [04:69.68]penning your best man speech, and that’s what ended up coming out. 我本来打算写篇伴郞贺词…
  [04:71.72]Blame it on the day job. 一落笔却写成讣闻
  [04:76.20]- Twenty, right? - Thanks. 二十块?
  [04:79.32]- You going to see Courtney? - Absolutely. 你去见郭妮?
  [04:83.80]I needed this. 你启发了我
  [00:30.08]You know, the Greeks didn’t write obituaries1. 希腊人不写讣闻
  [00:33.08]They only asked one question after a man died: 人死,他们只问一句…
  [00:37.72]"Did he have passion?" “他生前有没有热情?”
  [00:42.76]How do I look? 我看来怎样?
  [00:49.72]Like a jackass. 成个戆居佬
  [00:52.76]- Good luck, man. - Thank you. 祝你好运
  [00:66.32](Dean) Jonathan Trager, 庄纳顿.卓加…


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