[02:27.71]这样可以让你有所准备 This way, you can prepare yourself.
[02:34.71]好的 Okay.
[02:36.01]很快,会有人来敲门 Soon there’s going to be a knock on that door
[02:37.81]你会被叫到外面去 and you will be called outside.
[02:39.44]在过道里 会有一个官阶比你高的人站在那里 In the hall there will be a man who outranks you.
[02:42.04]首先,他会祝贺你所做的一切 First, he’ll compliment you on the fine job you’ve done
[02:45.34]你使世界成为一个和平的地方 that you’re making the world a safer place
[02:47.54]你会得到奖状或升职 that you’re to receive a commendation and a promotion9.
[02:52.21]然后他会告诉你,我需要被释放 And then he’ll tell you that I am to be released.
[02:55.11]你会反对 You’re gonna protest.
[02:57.48]你也许会以辞职来要挟他 You’ll probably threaten to resign.
[03:00.54]但是在最后,我会被释放 But in the end, I will be released.
[03:03.61]我被释放的原因 The reason I’ll be released is the same reason you think...
[03:06.14]和你认为我会被判刑的原因是一样的 I’ll be convicted.
[03:08.31]我和一些世界上 I do rub shoulders with some of the most vile10,
[03:11.21]称自己为领导人的人打交道 sadistic11 men calling themselves leaders today.
[03:15.54]这些人当中的有一些人是你的敌人的敌人 But some of those men are the enemies of your enemies.
[03:22.98]世界上最大的军火交易商是你的老板 And while the biggest arms dealer12 in the world is your boss...
[03:27.18]美国的总统 ...the President of the United States,
[03:29.21]他一天卖的 who ships more merchandise in a day
[03:31.04]比我一年卖的还多 I do in a year...
[03:33.98]有时 在枪支上找到他的指纹是一件很尴尬的事 sometimes it’s embarrassing to have his fingerprints13 on the guns.