
时间:2016-03-28 12:13:37


  [04:37.71]伪造死亡证明书? Falsifying a death certificate?
  [04:40.24]这个罪名可告不了我 That’s not gonna hold me.
  [04:42.24]你说的没错 和平时一样,你又说对了 You’re right. As usual, you are right.
  [04:48.34]你看今天的报纸了吗? Have you seen today’s paper? Huh?
  [04:57.91]假冒使用者证明书 Fake end-user certificates.
  [04:59.64]空壳公司,虚假目录 Cut-out companies, meticulously9 catalogued.
  [00:03.01]世界上没有一个独裁者 There is hardly a warlord, dictator, despot anywhere in the world
  [00:07.18]军阀没有和你打过交道 that you’re a first-name basis with.
  [00:09.71]是你的妻子帮助,让我们捉到了你 It was your wife your trophy1 wife that led us to the prize.
  [00:15.51]那不是她的错 It’s not her fault.
  [00:16.34]她只是比你好跟踪罢了 She’s just easier to follow than you are.
  [00:20.54]我可以看报纸吗? May I?
  [00:22.31]没问题,看吧 Yeah, go ahead.
  [00:48.51]慢慢享受吧 Enjoy it.
  [00:50.48]什么? What? This.
  [00:53.11]随你说吧 Tell me I’m everything you despise.
  [00:55.64]说我是邪恶的化身 That I’m the personification of evil.
  [00:58.31]还有什么? What?
  [00:59.41]应该对世界混乱的秩序负责 Responsible for the breakdown2 of the fabric3 of society and world order.
  [01:04.31]创造大屠杀的人 I’m a one-man genocide.
  [01:06.98]你现在想说什么就说什么吧 Say everything you want to say to me now.


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