[02:49.21]希望很快见到你,战争之王 So, see you soon, Lord of War.
[02:57.21]你还没有给我兰博之枪 You still haven’t brought me the gun of Rambo.
[03:16.94]一个四个半月大的胎儿 At four and a half months old...
[03:18.94]可以看到尾骨 a human fetus8 has a reptile’s tail...
[03:21.94]这就是进化的证明 a remnant of our evolution.
[03:24.01]也许那就是我无法停止的原因 Maybe that’s what I couldn’t escape.
[03:26.14]你可以和许多敌人战斗过 仍然存活下来 You can fight a lot of enemies and survive,
[03:28.58]但是如果你和你自己战斗 but if you fight your biology,
[03:30.58]你总是会输 you always lose.
[03:31.81]你们不要和我说再见吗? You guys aren’t waiting to say goodbye?
[03:33.24]我还要10分钟才离开这里 I’m not leaving for another ten minutes.
[03:34.71]对不起,尼奇要去上游泳课了 Sorry, Nicki has swim practice.
[03:37.98]我知道你要出差,我觉的很高兴 You know, I’m kind of glad you’re going.
[03:39.91]你在这里呆的太久 You’ve been here so long
[03:40.74]我开始有些担心了 you’re starting to get on my nerves.
[03:42.84]这个石油项目会在周四结束 This oil concession9 should be wrapped up by Thursday.
[03:45.01]周末我就会回来 I’ll be back for the weekend.
[03:46.38]我们一家人出去聚一聚 We’ll go somewhere.
[03:47.51]去海边 The sea.
[03:48.61]那太好了 That would be fun.
[03:50.88]好 Come on.
[03:51.54]你相信我,对吗? Hey. You trust me, right?
[03:56.98]他看着我的眼神 She looked me directly in the eye...