[02:37.34]不要这么情绪化 Don’t be so melodramatic.
[02:39.38]我没有情绪化 I’m melodramatic.
[02:40.64]我是个失败的演员,记得吗? I’m a failed actress, remember?
[02:51.74]我告诉过你这些人有政治目的 I told you, these people, it’s political.
[02:54.54]他们在说谎,他们是说谎的人 They lie. They’re liars6.
[02:56.64]看着我,他们用谎言 Look at me. They lie to make
[02:58.48]来美化自己,知道吗? themselves look good, okay?
[02:59.71]你不能相信他们 You can’t trust them.
[03:01.64]不只是他们 It’s not just them.
[03:06.28]不用担心,你的家人什么也没说 Don’t worry. Your family didn’t say anything.
[03:09.78]他们不需要这么做 They didn’t have to.
[03:13.54]我卖给这些人力量去保护他们自己,艾娃 I sell people a means to defend themselves. Ava.
[03:18.08]我只做这些 That’s all.
[03:19.11]尤里,我看过新闻,我看过那些照片 Yuri, I see the news. I see those pictures.
[03:23.24]那些枪比孩子们还要高! The guns are bigger than the boys!
[03:24.44]我做的事没有一点是不合法的! There is nothing illegal about what I do!
[03:27.18]我才不管它是否合法! I don’t care if it’s legal!
[03:29.88]那是不对的! It’s wrong!
[03:50.84]求求你,收手吧 Please, stop.
[03:55.98]我干或不干已经没有区别了 It makes no difference if I stop.
[03:59.01]第二天,就会有人接替我的位置 Someone will take my place the next day.
[04:01.04]让他们去干吧,我们已经有足够的钱了 So let them. We have enough.