
时间:2016-01-14 22:41:46


  [02:43.64]Okay. Well, I suppose this is it. 好的,那就先这样吧
  [02:45.48]If we’re ever attacked by a bear in Central Park, 如果我们在中央公园遇到熊的话
  [02:49.68]we will be the only ones who know what to do. 我想我们懂得如何处理了
  [02:50.84]You just take good care of my favorite cousin, okay? 好好照顾我亲戚喔,知道吗
  [02:55.04]- Emma. - Goodbye, Paul. -艾玛  -再见保罗
  [02:55.52]Really, thank you for everything, and remember my wood-chopping tips. 谢谢,别忘了我教你的劈柴技巧
  [03:01.88]- I’ll never forget your wood-chopping. - It’s mainly wrist7, it’s less arm. -永远不忘记  -记得用手腕不是手臂
  [03:02.72]Clay, I’m gonna hug you. You won’t like it, but I’m gonna hug you. 警长,我要抱抱你,即便你不喜欢
  [03:09.08]Thank you. And listen, if you’re ever in New York... 谢谢,如果你们来到纽约的话
  [03:12.24]Something has gone terribly wrong. 就代表事情大条了
  [03:16.28]Okay. Well, let’s go home. 好了,回家吧
  [03:19.44]- All right. - Come on. -嗯  -来吧
  [03:23.12]How’s your foot? 你脚怎样了
  [03:26.32]Sheriff, your life just got a whole lot simpler. 警长,生活又恢复正常罗
  [03:28.84]So did yours, babe. 没错
  [04:02.32]Isn’t it amazing that she slept the whole flight? 不可思议,她在飞机上一直都在睡
  [04:05.80]Is that amazing? 很厉害吧
  [04:07.64]- Are they not meant to do that? - Yes. -婴儿不就是负责睡吗?  -也对
  [04:09.64]- Is she faulty8? - Faulty? -你觉得她是不是不够完美  -不够完美?
  [04:11.32]No, she’s perfect. 我觉得她很完美
  [04:14.16]Perfect, but nameless. 是很完美,但还少了个名字
  [04:15.00]Well, perhaps we’ll finally come up with a name on the road home. 我们或许可以在回家的路上想出来


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